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Gordon and I.

Triple Birthday Pajama Party at Kristina's place.

January 22, 2000


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Russian River in Guerneville, CA.

October 3, 1999


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Kristina and Gordon.

Kristina's Birthday Party at Jillians in San Francisco, CA..

October 11, 1999


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Halloween in the castro.

October 31, 1998


A blurb Gordon wrote about me for my 30th birthday party:

I've been assigned the impossible task of putting Nick into words, which could take volumes, so here is a very brief summary. I'll start with a little history:

Nick was born and raised in Southern California moving around different parts of Los Angeles as a child. His parents decided to build their dream house in Diamond Bar, which is in the mountains east of LA. So this is where many of his formative years were spent and helped shape much of his world. He attended the local high school and, of course, graduated valedictorian. He was accepted to Stanford where he completed his undergrad in engineering and his Masters in engineering. Needless to say he ended up in the high tech field working for Metricom, Inc. in Los Gatos which is where he is still currently employed.

That was the dry part, now let me describe to you the Nick that I love and adore. Nick is not at all what most people would picture as a high profile Silicon Valley type. He is one of the most caring and sweetest persons I have ever met. He always takes other people's feelings into account and tries to understand where they are coming from. In keeping with these traits he tries to practice the beliefs of Buddhism and is vegetarian so that more animals don't have to suffer. Of course he still steals bites from his friends that are carnivorous!

Even though he works in a high stress technical enviroment, at heart he is just like a little kid who is always ready to play and enjoy the simple things in life. One of those things that he probably enjoys the most is shopping! I have never seen anyone who can shop like Nick can. He takes it to a completely new level. Another one of his hobbies is cooking which he, in my opinion, is superb at doing. I never realized just how good vegetarian cooking could be.

Obviously I could go on and on, especiallly because I'm very biased, but I'll end it with saying that my life is a real blessing because it has Nick in it!
