All Are Welcome Who Come In Peace

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Welcome to my home page.

This page is not intended to appeal to everyone, nor is it designed to offend anyone. It is simply a place for me to share my ideas and opinions, and also a place where I may communicate with others who care to debate issues of the world.

It also has some pretty cool links. �:)

If at anytime you find that my page or anything contained within it's cyber walls is offensive, objectionable, crude, rude, improper, immoral, or in any other way ;�found to be in bad taste. PLEASE do me one favor, LEAVE. You dont have to agree with my opinions or even like them, but you must agree that I have a right to express them.

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So..... now that we have that out of the way :) � First a little about myself..... I'm 36 6' 220 with a shaved head, and hazel eyes.I am currently single�and a bisexual who is still comfortable in the closet. To my new friends online, I am happy to be exposed....here on my web page... but in my personal life...I have chosen not to tell family and friends at this point. �I have considered myself to be bisexual since I was about 10 years old. I have always kept my feelings secret for fear of rejection and humiliation. �It is my hope that this page will help me to break free from all the fears I have about exposing my true self not only to my friends here on the web, but also to my friends and family outside of this cyber domain.��It has been a long struggle to keep true to my inner feelings, while at the same time hiding those feelings from others. �I think I am finally at a point in my life where I am ready to say "Guess what folks..... I'm BISEXUAL", and if �that changes the way you feel about me........then ..... I no longer have a�place for you in my life.

If you have found yourself in a similar situation at some point in your life, and have taken that big step, I'd love to hear your story. �It just may be the motivation I'm looking for to make that final hurdle in my own life. �Please feel free to �Email.gifme with your stories, comments, or suggestions for my home page, and don't forget to�Sign My Guestbook.

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......MORE ABOUT ME......

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