A Brief Look Back!! In March of 1982 a group of men, under the Direction of Steve Selwyn, to build an organization for gay men who were motorcycle enthusists. Steve was an active part of FFA-Miami and felt the need to build another organization that would incorporate one of His most cherished hobbies - His Motorcycle - and the friends he enjoyed spending time with. Saber was very active in the community from the start and provided an enviroment that allowed it's members to associate with other like minded individuals. We became a major part of the "Florida Brotherhood of Clubs" and remained active in the organization until is dissolution. As Part of the FBofC, Saber MC founded "The Steve Selwyn Award for community service" in honor of our Founder. This award was given to an Individual who has shown themselves to be of great service to the community.

Like most organizations, we did experience a few years of slow growth where the continued existance of the organization was in doubt; however under the suporvision of our only Surviving founding member (Richard S.) we have started the upward climb back to life. We are proud of helping found a new clearing house type organization like the Brotherhood of Clubs. The Southeast Conference of Clubs has picked up the ball and provides the Clubs of the Southeast with a calendar of events, so that we can plan events that don't overlap.

Last year we celebrated our 15th anniversary by hold a run called: "SABER 15 - Fifteen Years of Brotherhood" The run was attended by 50 indiviuals that helped prove to our members that we are alive and well.....We now look forward to our 16th anniversary run called: "SABER - THRUST" March 27-29, 1998.

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