We thank you for visiting our home away from home. Please feel free to sign our guestbook.

Lesley - 10/26/00 15:41:30
My URL:/a_mad_scot/hello.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Secretary
Favorite movies and/or shows: Liked "The Birdcage" and I like UK comedy shows
Interests: Music, reading, walking and Playstation gaming
Hobbies: Listening to music is the big one
Favorite websites: This one of course *grin*
Age: 32

Hope you are all OK. Enjoyed my visit.

gheevin zxirvanka - 10/14/00 19:24:59
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: funkadelic
Favorite movies and/or shows: saturday night live, lincs place, teen nbc (sat mornings), star trek, dr who
Interests: world peace
Hobbies: work
Favorite websites: YOURS
Age: 40

CLEVELAND ROCKS. Mary, Karen and Penny, have a nice day and to all pets past, present and future...isn't it nice to have a great home ? Peace and love, the Chasser.

Valerie - 09/20/00 15:54:18
My URL:/pbrojas96/ours.html
My Email:[email protected]
Hobbies: i write poetry
Age: 44

Just started a new business please visit A new business By a family memeber ( rainbow that is) Lots of books videos music etc Discounts on everything from A to Z

Val's Online Discount Mall

Lisa - "Lacholito" - 08/09/00 04:29:23
My URL:http://http://home.talkcity.com/elcamino/lacholito/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Photo Tech
Favorite movies and/or shows: Mad Tv and The Real World
Interests: Anything & Everything
Hobbies: PHOTOGRAPHY!!..pool..singing & dancing...Comp..Sleeping
Favorite websites: Mommycats Rockers Page
Age: 20

Great Page..I WILL be back soon to see the updates..

Jeanene - 03/24/00 01:23:13
My URL:http://homestead.com/MyFamily_R_5/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Personal Pal to Handicapp and elders in their living enviroments
Favorite movies and/or shows: touched by an angel
Interests: GLBT rights, and my kids
Hobbies: cross stitch, plastic canvas, and doing all kinds of little projects wood working ( femme w/tools ) :o), collecting angels of all kinds and teddy bears.
Favorite websites: I have to many to really say!
Age: 30

GREAT site ladies.. I will be sure to come back and visit often to see the upgrades.. Keep up the good work!

Donna & Margie - 03/18/00 05:59:11
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: PCA/student
Favorite movies and/or shows: Too many to mention..
Interests: Our kids, working on the house, spending time with friends
Hobbies: surfing the web, school
Age: 35,48

Margie and I live in Parma Heights, it is nice to read about somebody close by to our home. Nice web site, we really like it.

Skip lewis - 02/17/00 01:18:46
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: local truck driver
Favorite movies and/or shows: mysteries, action
Interests: flying, guitars, music
Hobbies: who's got time?
Favorite websites: guitar lessons
Age: 44

its really nice to make new friends

Rev. Lara Phelps - 02/07/00 02:45:54
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/ILuvMyDarlin/LoveWillBuildOur
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Minister

Hello Ladies, Thank you for the warmth and sweetness of your pages. They were very heartwarming:)) I have performed weddings before and I always look for that special "love" that God gives to those whom He has called together in Holy Union:)) You two look absolutely precious!! Thank you again for sharing your site. Peace & Grace, Lara

- 01/11/00 22:24:51


Jen - 11/07/99 05:22:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/jenlav/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Early Childhood Educator
Favorite movies and/or shows: Wow, too many to list!
Interests: Music, movies, travelling
Hobbies: Writing, hiking, camping, photography
Favorite websites: MINE! (is that modest- or what?)
Age: 27

Hello! I just wanted to drop you a line (or two!) to tell you how much I enjoyed visiting your site! I really loved the pictures, and can relate as I am an animal lover, also! Thank you for sharing your life with us here! =)

Random Acts of Kindness

Rosario Sagayadan - 10/25/99 08:18:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/mybeautifulfilipina/
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: RN
Interests: Excercise
Hobbies: working out
Age: 45

Very nice, warm and loving site! Please stop by and share your view on mine!

Sylkie - 09/30/99 18:48:28
My URL:http://metrocities.net/westhollywood/stonewall/5573
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite movies and/or shows: Too many to name
Interests: Reading and writing
Age: 26

I really like your page, It's good to see some Cleveland people.

Partners in Pride, Inc. - 09/28/99 13:57:43
My URL:http://www.partnersinpride.com
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Virtual Retail

Your site looks great. We came across it on a web ring circle. We will back to check for updates. Please go to our web site and check it out and sign the guestbook, so we know that you have been there. Again, your site looks excellent !

Judy Benson - 09/12/99 01:42:57
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: teacher
Favorite movies and/or shows: Documentaries
Interests: GLB/T community involvement- political action especially Gay Catholic issues
Hobbies: Surfing the Net, hanging out at Kimbilio/ Egg Moon Farm ( Womyn's Land Collectiveand C
Favorite websites: Sister Spirit, Kimbilio, Sister Site
Age: 52

It was great to discover some Cleveland women on the net! I am a Lakewood resident and enjoyed meeting new people in my own community. The pictures of pets and kids were really cute.

Val & Charlotte - 08/21/99 20:17:07
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/9650/ours.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: disabled/teacher
Favorite movies and/or shows: Ben.Hur..any Stephan King
Interests: chihuahuas
Favorite websites: /~tinypaws
Age: 43

We just stopped by to say hi! And to thank you for coming to our site. you have a wonderful story too! Thanks for signing our book! Visit us over the Rainbow At Mighty Munchkin's Land!

From Mighty Munchkin & Lil' Darlin

Val Rojas
Petsburgh Community Leader
Petsburgh/Zoo Community Leader

Carrie - 08/16/99 01:15:41
My URL:/Wellesley/Atrium/4379/DarWilliamsp.html
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: Soccer
Favorite websites: /Wellesley/Atrium/4379/DarWilliamsp.html
Age: 21

Great site!

Malcolm & Robert - 08/06/99 19:13:13
My URL:http://www.logansmith.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Government
Favorite movies and/or shows: British Soaps, Sound of Music
Interests: Our Cats
Hobbies: Internet, e-mail
Age: 31 & 40

Loved your site very much, especially Truely Madly Deeply, we had it played at our ceromony, very moving. Please have a look at our web-site. I will difinitly recommend that you join our web-ring. Speak to you soon. Love Malcolm & Robert

Jane - 07/02/99 00:43:06
My URL:http://www.teknowarez.com
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Technical Specialist
Favorite movies and/or shows: The Hunger, Jacob's Ladder, any mind bending/thought provoking surreal movie or play Tekno music
Interests: so many, right now renovating my home
Hobbies: computers pc's and sleeping
Favorite websites: download type websites and tech info and of course Filipino related sites
Age: 31

Thank you for inviting me to your "virtual home". It's reassuring to know that there are committed women couples who are devoted to eachother and 'roll with the punches' . I can't imagine that it was all too easy to be where you are today...with a young child as well. I hope to be like you folks one day

Lori and Dianna - 06/25/99 08:39:57
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~lori_dianna/
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: This and that
Favorite movies and/or shows: We try and see all sorts of movies "Will&Grace"
Interests: writing, painting, travelling by car, family, music and dancing.
Hobbies: same as above
Favorite websites: pretty much anything, Playstation sites, Gay/Lesbian sites, Astrology sites.
Age: 26 and 20

You two have a great page and cute pets. And a houseful :o). Its great to see other lesbian couples making it in this world. We're from PA if you can check out our homepage. We also have a club that we just opened on Yahoo..just for couples. So we ca make new friends that will last. Well take care and God bless all of you. Lori and Dianna

Skaai - 06/25/99 02:38:28
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/bh/skaai/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite movies and/or shows: Ally McBiel
Interests: anything womyn

What a lovely site! I enjoyed visiting and have bookmarked your site already. Sounds like you gals have a great big family...very inspiring. I will be back for sure!!!

Jarrod and Les - 06/19/99 02:47:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Q_pidboy/main.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Sales
Favorite movies and/or shows: Beautiful Thing
Interests: the web, making new friends, spending time with friends
Age: 25 & 28

What a nice site (and life) you have here! I will be back for more..

Katerina & Tina - 05/20/99 18:58:07
My URL:http://lesbian.url4life.com
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Quality Assurance Admin. is a clinical and anatomic pathology lab
Favorite movies and/or shows: mrs. dollaway (great independant movie)
Interests: beach, mountain biking, swiming, hiking, anything out doors or on the computer.
Hobbies: making cash on the internet
Favorite websites: http://people.goplay.com/altherego
Age: 31

nice site.

Woofer49 & Dee - 05/10/99 03:25:21
My URL:/westhollywood/Chelsea/1253/
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Retired
Favorite movies and/or shows: Too many to chose from!
Interests: the Great outdoors
Hobbies: Woodworking
Favorite websites: Too many to chose from!
Age: 49 &48

A very nice page. We enjoyed going all the way through it.

Pat - 05/05/99 06:07:13
My URL:http://nowhereToLive
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Student
Favorite movies and/or shows: Ellen (those OverBearing snips chopped the whole show jus be4 the coming-out), Fried Green Tomatoes, XWP, ally macbeal, chicago hope, sci docu, etc etc & all the shows/movies we're not allowed to watch by force of the igBroShark
Interests: physics, sci, good literature
Hobbies: play! fish, read, idle...
Favorite websites: u wanna see my bookmarks?
Age: 23

very affirming & gratifying to know that a family like yours exist out there. greetings to all, including the out-from-the-bath kitty ! perhaps one day, i might find happiness too ...

TomC - 04/19/99 05:05:30
My URL:/Athens/Crete/4479/q.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite movies and/or shows: Star Trek and other Science Fiction
Interests: history, religion, the internet
Hobbies: the internet
Age: 43

HI, Beautiful Site! I am signing on behalf of the GLBT group at my church. Peace, TomC

Gina - 04/08/99 11:07:49
My URL:/westhollywood/park/4655
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: web designer
Favorite movies and/or shows: Oz
Interests: cooking & graphics
Hobbies: my girlfriend
Favorite websites: too many to mention
Age: 36

You have a really nice site here & a very nice family.I too live in an all female house & it gets crazy here sometimes. Keep up the GREAT work & come visit me sometime. Gina

Jillie - 03/22/99 12:40:45
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/HarleyCrzy/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Counselor
Favorite movies and/or shows: I love the Practice
Interests: Motorcycling, reading, being with friends
Hobbies: My Harley Davidson Motorcycle
Favorite websites: God too many to mention
Age: 49

Your web site is very nice. Sure loved looking at the pics of your family, and of course, the pets. Come check out my spoiled little critters...

kb - 03/16/99 16:12:02
My URL:/westhollywood/Cafe/1477
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: helping other people avoid boredom
Favorite movies and/or shows: beauty & the beast - disney animation
Interests: life!
Hobbies: surfing the net
Favorite websites: much to mention
Age: young

Hello. I think your pets are fabulous! I also have pets of my own (3 dogs and 1 cat). This is a very inspiring site. Hope you'll find the time to visit my site, too.

Sophia & Carol - 02/17/99 05:07:57
My URL:http://members.spree.com/ctrammel
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: many
Favorite movies and/or shows: Bound
Interests: music, computers, and more
Hobbies: Road Trips! :o}
Favorite websites: http://www.hamsterdance.com
Age: 27 & 31

Hey there. You have a wonderful site and your family looks very lovely. Take care and keep it fun!

Leigh aka Wild - 02/07/99 20:22:03
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/PennyLn/wild4wmyn
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: HairStylist
Favorite movies and/or shows: City of Angels
Interests: Gardening, Painting, Nature
Hobbies: Everything...I love to learn everyting!!
Age: 40

Great site ladies...I loved the pictures. I enjoy visiting Lesbian sites and seeing the pride we are now willing to let the world see. Stop by Wild's Web site and sign in please..Thanks for sharing yourselves.

Sanjuan & Squirt - 10/16/98 16:23:02
My URL:http://members.aol.com/add0713/rainbow.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Management/Telecom
Favorite movies and/or shows: Color Purple
Interests: Bowling; volleyball; softball; basketball; reading; Latin Culture; African Art
Hobbies: Computers; Reading
Favorite websites: http://members.aol.com/add0713/rainbow.html
Age: Sanjuan 29 & Squirt 41

I truly enjoyed visiting your website. I would love to have a cat but my wife is afraid of them. Keep up the excellent work. I wish you much love and happiness.

April and Lourdes - 08/22/98 21:00:11
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: B-I-N-G-O
Favorite websites: Rainbow Query
Age: 29 and 36

We enjoyed your site--allways affirming to see other lesbian couples on the web. . .

Joey - 08/18/98 05:14:08
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: medical student
Favorite movies and/or shows: Amadeus,Godfather, My Father's Glory, My Mother's Castle, Wild Reeds, Beautiful Thing
Interests: movies, books, animals, music
Hobbies: inline skating, dancing, dining out
Favorite websites: gay and lesbian sites
Age: late 20s

Enjoyed the pictures. You have a lovely daughter and beautiful pets. More power to you.

Teri - 08/17/98 09:08:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~TeriThoughts/home.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 32

Thankyou for visiting my site, I thoroughly enjoyed yours too. Maybe we'll meet someday on the cruise with you, it sounds like fun.

Troy & Tom - 08/08/98 06:10:02
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/1003
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Florist
Favorite movies and/or shows: Love Stories
Interests: Traveling
Hobbies: Various Crafts
Age: 42

Great job! I really enjoyed visiting your site. We will certainly spend our money at the companies that are on your Walls of Fame! Thanks, I'll be putting a link for this site on ours!

Aimee and Corinne - 08/05/98 06:22:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~corn_05/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: homemakers
Favorite movies and/or shows: many!!
Interests: many!!
Hobbies: many!!
Favorite websites: Rachel's Realm, Messagemates
Age: 21 and 19, respectively

We think you girls have a cool page!! Love the cute pictures, and keep up the good work!!

Audi&Jessie - 07/21/98 22:33:18
My URL:/West Hollywood/village/3706
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Audi is a Executive Chef/AAOM Jessie is a Secretary
Favorite movies and/or shows: Jessie's favorite show is Bird Cage.. Audi's favorite movie are anything with Bette Midler
Interests: Travel,Playing on the computer
Hobbies: We love to read magazines
Age: Audi32 Jessie33

Thank you for visiting our site and we are glad that you enjoyed it, we are constantly adding new things so pleas come visit again.. Your site is coming along really good I enjoyed the pictures and reading about y'all.. Audi..Jessie was at work.

Bruce William - 07/20/98 11:15:07
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/4858
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Net Junkie full-time, exhibitionist freak part- time... OH u mean what do they *pay* me to do... group home manager.
Favorite movies and/or shows: South park is not without it's charms and anything with Lily Taylor in it is a MUST SEE.
Interests: Sleeping live on the internet =P
Hobbies: same as above... I'm a simple man that is easily pleased.
Favorite websites: Well dah-link... it's yours of course.
Age: 29, but shhhhhhh.. I tell everyone I'm just an old looking 25.

Thanks for stopping by my page, and I'd definite give a thumbs up to getting your own Live Web Cam site. The net needs more gay families that are out and proud. I'll be looking forward to seeing how your site advances... and for the record you can never ave too many pet pics on your page. :)

Marie - 07/18/98 18:39:29
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/8426/
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: student
Favorite movies and/or shows: Ellen (but it's been canceled now, *sob!!*), X-Files, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Just Shoot Me
Interests: books (gay and lesbian, sci-fi, fantasy), music (alternative rock, queercore, folk rock)
Hobbies: websurfing & tinkering with my website
Favorite websites: http://www.chaparraltree.com/
Age: 18

Your page is really neat! My favorite part was the MIDI page - you have the BEST ones there!! I've found some that I've been looking for for a long time but couldn't find until now! I'm gonna use several of them on my website soon, I think. Thanks so much :)

Unique Woman - 07/15/98 15:22:57
My URL:http://www.msu.edu/user/burroug3
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: University staff/student
Favorite movies and/or shows: Titanic
Interests: Varied
Hobbies: not alot
Favorite websites: Mine! and yours now.
Age: 28


This is a great page! Keep up the good work!
Unique Woman

Kate - 07/06/98 21:37:34
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/5778
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Perpetual Student
Favorite movies and/or shows: Boys on the Side, Little Women, Contact
Interests: Science Fiction, History
Hobbies: Reading, reading, did I mention reading?
Favorite websites: Any where you can read the text on the background
Age: 20

I wanted to thank you for the lovely note you left in my guestbook, and to tell you that your cats are sooo cute. Peace, Kate

Siofra Conaty - 07/06/98 05:39:58
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Writer
Favorite movies and/or shows: When Night Is Falling
Interests: Movies, hiking, visiting friends, reading etc.....
Hobbies: Same
Age: 35

What a lovely page! Thanks for letting me visit your family. I wish you all the best. My ICQ # is 15074313 if you should ever want to chat. Bye... Siofra

claire barta - 07/04/98 18:19:36
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: grad student
Favorite movies and/or shows: shirley valentine
Interests: music, philosophy, life
Hobbies: reading, listening to good music, people, and good conversation
Age: 47

Hi,, congratulations,, wish you both the best, I am glad this was sent to me by a friend and i will recommend it to others, especially my daughter's best friend,, who has come out in the last year and working on accepting herself, i love her like a secon daughter,,, take care my icq # is8392582, eliska

Caitlin Phillips - 06/28/98 17:06:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~caitlinphillips
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Student
Favorite movies and/or shows: Titanic and The Horse Whisperer. Friends, Ellen, and Drew Carey.
Interests: My family and my friends.
Hobbies: Shopping, movies, music, and sports.
Favorite websites: http://www.colage.org
Age: 18

Hi there! I love your page. I especially like all of your neat graphics and your links. Your picures are pretty cute too. I really like the one of your cat when she is all wet, lol ;) Smiles! Caitlin @�@

woody - 06/25/98 13:02:45
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/2521
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Library Clerk
Interests: Lesbian History
Hobbies: See interests/ webpage
Age: 32

Thanks for visiting my webpage and signing my guestbook. I'm returning the favor. You guys are great rescueing animals. We have several of our own, a dog that was 20 lbs. underweight and needed and iv and some vet care and now she is the Perfect dog, 2 cats, one from the pound and he is such a fluffy guy, one was a stray, she is the homophob, but she's warmed up to us and a lop-ear rabbit we found in the park. Keep up the great work. You have a beautiful family.

Donna Steppe - 06/25/98 12:17:00
My URL:http://metrocities.net/westhollywood/Heights/9628
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Computer Hardware & Software Support
Favorite movies and/or shows: Jurrasic park, Star Wars, Fried Green Tomatoes, ER, Ellen
Interests: Web Page Design
Age: 39

Hi, My partner and I used to live in Lakewood, Ohio until she took a position at the medical college in Toledo. Your web site is great! It was good to see people from Cleveland. Peace, Donna

MB - 06/23/98 00:56:24
My URL:/westhollywood/village/4202
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: nurse
Favorite movies and/or shows: lots
Interests: lots
Hobbies: lots
Favorite websites: lots
Age: old enough to have to dye my hair

Congratualtions on the ceremony. LOVE the animals. Cruises are great, I would love to go on an olivia cruise. Well Mary you asked for my award and you got it I always love to see home pages about lesbian couples :-)

Woman's Touch wishes to bestow on you an award, for promoting the image of lesbians on the internet.
You have worked hard and it shows ���

Come see meCLICK HERE

jackie - 06/22/98 23:04:19
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/1608
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: museum work
Favorite movies and/or shows: news
Interests: golf/softball
Hobbies: ceramics,flintnapping
Favorite websites: archaeology ones
Age: 38

nice page ladies and thanks for stopping at mine... enjoy your summer !!! - jackie

Arnie Lawhun - 06/21/98 03:19:18
Occupation: Steelworker
Age: old, very old

Favorite Brother (snicker)

Patty Lawhun - 06/21/98 02:50:35
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite movies and/or shows: Drew Carey (what else being from Cleveland) lol Home Improvement ( I think I married Tim)
Interests: Meeting new couples/people.Going to Comedy Clubs.
Hobbies: Bowling, Reading Murder/suspense novels
Age: F-f-f-f...ok..I'll be 40 in July!

Just wanted to let you two know this is a GREAT Home Page and we think alot of you two. Just wish we all had more time to get to know one another better! Love Patty

Charlene & Ellen - 06/19/98 07:05:00
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: taxes & cattle
Interests: animals & grandkids
Age: 58,52

For your first try you did a great job.

Jerry Brown - 06/11/98 03:36:33
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/1776
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: networker
Favorite movies and/or shows: Titanic
Interests: Writing, making money
Favorite websites: http://www.yfiles.com
Age: 55

You have a wonderful new page. I enjoyed reading about you and your poor tortured pets. Keep up the good work.

barbara - 06/10/98 03:42:09
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: believe it or not, computers
Favorite movies and/or shows: Pricilla, Queen of the Desert
Interests: Camping, Keys and the water
Hobbies: cooking not baking
Favorite websites: yours and something called planetout
Age: just turned 40

very cool place, liked the pictures. I gotta get better at this and make my own web page.

Kelly Holmes - 06/08/98 16:56:14
My URL:/collegepark/2639/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Technical Writer
Favorite movies and/or shows: Contact
Interests: astronomy
Hobbies: reading
Age: 20

Great page!

Annie - 06/08/98 02:35:46
My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/Luckly/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 52

I just wanted to say you have an outstanding page Good luck Have a nice day

Jodi - 06/07/98 15:53:03
My URL:http://members.aol.com/itsmejodi/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Secretary
Favorite movies and/or shows: ER
Interests: Pen Pals
Hobbies: Pen Pals
Favorite websites: Gay and Lesbian one's
Age: 31

Your page is very nice and easy to go through. Keep up the good work! Jodi

Ruby Khan - 05/30/98 05:33:27
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Studient
Favorite movies and/or shows: Titanic
Interests: Movies,Gossips,making Fun
Hobbies: Long Drive,Tracking,Making new Friends
Favorite websites: Adult sites
Age: 20

Oh dear u made a very fine page

kathy - 05/29/98 02:06:11
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: sales clerk
Favorite movies and/or shows: friends and the cure
Interests: spending time with my son and anything that takes me outside
Favorite websites: grrltalk
Age: 22

i loved your web page

Rachel (aka Ivy) - 05/14/98 00:59:02
My URL:http://www.eazy.net/users/katz/main.htm
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: model/soon to be bartender too :)
Favorite movies and/or shows: Alive
Interests: EVERYTHING! :)
Hobbies: EVERYTHING! :)
Age: 22

Hiya grrlz! I relly like what you've been doing here...love the links and can't wait to see more stuff! :) Always, Rach

Hope - 05/07/98 03:04:58
My URL:/HotSprings/Spa/2466
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: student and public health researcher
Interests: women's health
Hobbies: Running Lesbian Chat Galore on ICQ and working on developing my Lesbian Health Web Ring
Age: 23

I love getting to see what folks from LCG look like. In your picture, which one of you is which?

Nancy - 05/06/98 14:55:49
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Retired
Interests: My pets
Age: 38

Was great talking to you.I enjoyed your home page.My significant other plays Pinochle-lets do cards sometime! Love & Peace NANCY

Connie Mason - 04/29/98 03:05:37
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: Computer Programmer
Interests: Animals
Hobbies: Cooking
Age: 47

Hey, I really like your web site. Keep up the good work.

peggy & lexi - 04/28/98 04:37:24
My Email:[email protected]
Occupation: in love
Favorite movies and/or shows: To kill a mockingbird
Interests: long drives on cool summer evening
Hobbies: reading, tv, game shows
Favorite websites: Alamak
Age: peg 26 lex 31

we loved your web site, but we could not bring up the pictures, but boy its looking good :-)

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