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parker's HomePage

All Kinds Of Everything. Seeing Is Believing! Come Visit Me!

Patrick Experience

site of general interest and pic gallery will work harder on it sooooooon

Peter's GAM Page

No Description


Homepage of "People Like Us"

Project Q

Creativity and blue skies!

Puppie's Kennel

Homepage of Puppie hehehe



No Listing




Raymond's Homepage

No Description

Remembering Mark

A page to remember my first bf

Rize Reyes' Home Page

A gay Asian empowerment site - from gay Asian movies to books... from Singapore to the Philippines and the rest of the Asian nations

Robin's Homepage

A homepage to promote good relationships between guys and also about being gay and christian




Shidah's page

A little about me, life as a closet lesbian and very briefly what I hope the future will be


Local mailing list catering to the local gay community

Singapore Boy Homepage

A gay magazine for young Singaporeans, with news, entertainment, cute guys gallery and more

Singapore Pride Mailing List

A gay nightclub arriving in your e-mail box!

Singaporean and Malaysian Gay Personal Ads

Very elaborated classified personal ads system with many searching capabilities to help you find Mr. Right


Singapore's HOTTEST Gay List !

Steven's Home & Resource Page

Interesting pal, when asked for his blood type, he replied 'HIV -'. So what do you think...???


The soothing voice on Radio Heart brought onto the net. It's swellegant time!





A melange of surrealistic prose, fragmented journal

The Daydreamer's Club

Personal homepage, personal touch

The Gay Singapore Ring

Webring dedicate to all sites about singaporean gays worldwide

The Lair

Anything under the sun!

The Mad Chinaman's Club

A hilarious site of various domains for your visiting pleasure.Ticket please,sir 

The pavillion of cynosure

Psi's Page and loads of interesting links

The people they warned you about...

my personal site with my own poetry and some bi resources

The Shut Up Bitch! Site

Ramblings about me, about bisexuality, and just plain demented ravings because I can, this is the web and WE SHALL BE HEARD!!!

Tian Lan's World

Look into the inside world of Tian Lan, a brain-damaged young guy who has a passion for arts and music. (Don't blame me if it's under construction!)


my personal five cents worth......

Tweets & Noi's Love Nest

Tweets & Noi's Love Nest - I dedicate this HP to my gf. A big thanks to her for being my my side throughtout these years. Our HP contains our lovestory, some links etc. Pls brown through it and sign our guestbook on your way out.. :)

Tweety's Homepage

My very very humble little abode in the cyberspace. It has no photos of me yet, but I know the day when I have my pic there, it's the day I'm OUT. Thanks