Updated 10/20/99

Welcome to...

MarlaJayne's Secret Desire !


(Best viewed in Netscape)


Hi and welcome !   We'd like to introduce ourselves.  My name is Marla and I just came out of the closet last December.  My SO is Jayne.  She is helping me with this new home page creation.  We are building this page in an effort to get to know you and let you get to know us.  We will be adding and changing our pix, links and updating info often, so we hope you'll come back and visit us again.  We've spent many hours surfing and we hope you'll find our views on cross dressing, SOs and our experiences insightful and interesting.  So far, our transgendered lifestyle is a personal one, but we feel this is a great opportunity to "meet" others with similar stories and do some communicating.  Hope you'll look around and have fun...  and respond.  Thanks for sharing your time.


Marla's Bio

Jayne's Bio

Marla's Picture Gallery 1

Marla's Picture Gallery 2

      Marla's Picture Gallery 3

New!!      Marla's Picture Gallery 4     New!!

New!!      Marla's Picture Gallery 5     New!!

 Jayne's Gallery

Interesting links

A note about the new galleries: Galleries 3, 4 & 5 are "night" pictures.  Why??  Well, besides the fact that we LIKE  the look, Marla finds it alot easier to edit her photos and hide those annoying "flaws".  Like I always said, "I'm alot better looking when you can't see me".


Personal note:  We're getting married !!  Date to be announced.  We also purchased a Sony Mavica digital camera so we'll have lots of new photos coming soon.  (We LOVE to take picures!)  Thanks for all your e-mail.... we like hearing from you.

Thanks for visiting us !  Hope you'll e-mail us and let us know your own stories/feelings. Thanks again for your time.

You are the  th visitor since July 8th, 1999 !


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