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TP - 09/28/00 13:43:19
My URL:/tp0215/index.html
Where are you from: Texas, USA
Favorite quote or saying: Thru Visibility and Understanding can a Movement be taught and received as the Truth.

God Bless You and Yours , as I feel mine and myself are Equaly Blessed by Our Lord , Jesus For we are a Lesbian couple ,In love and Blessed by Gods Faith and Continue to grow in the truth , thru Jesus our Saviour.I know that thru Understanding and The Teaching of the Truth shall come a living testimony to the words God spoke and ask us ALL to live by. I commend your insight and encourage to further your Work and words of Love and acceptance. Thanks for an uplifting site , TP and Daisy

Chris Bradley - 09/18/00 15:01:35
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Ohio
Favorite quote or saying: Romans 8:35-37

It's obvious to me that you have some very complex and long-thought-out reasonings behind your position. I have to confess, though, that I am a "fundamentalist". I believe the Bible says what it means to say, and that the cultural context arguement can asily be taken too far. But I read over your entire site, and I shocked myself to realize that I agree with you on some points. But there are a couple that really stand out in my mind. Namely a close look at 1 Cor 7:2 and Rom 1:24-28. I read your anal sis of the Romans passage, but you yourself seemed to overlook the context of the passage. The passage lists things that ARE sinful; not things that LEAD TO sinfulness, or are merely unnatural. I would concede to you the "unnatural acts" arguement if it hadn't been that Paul's theme through his epistles is our being set apart from the world and our flesh, not just the pagans in Rome or Corinth, not to mention that the passage lists these "unnatural acts" as "sinful desires of the heart". Fortunately for all of us, these sins are not our final judgement, and with a penitent heart Christ will gladly accept them as his burden. But an honest look at this Scripture and a contrite heart should lead one to be convinced of his own sin, rather than try to justif it. The verse in 1 Corinthians, which you didn't bring up, I think clinches the issue. "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband". It essentially defines "fornication" as ANY sexual elationship, whether hetero- or homosexual, outside of the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, as sin. I can't express firmly enough the urgency in getting this issue resolved RIGHT AWAY--at least between me and you, because as Christians we oth obviously feel the obligation to evangelize, and both of us are evangelizing completely different and unreconcilable ideas. It is the people that we witness to that suffer, because they see us as divided hypocrites, with a faith they will have nothin to do with.

Jerry - 08/16/00 23:17:44

This is from LDS discussion where Dougalicious is a Homosexual and a "Mormon". I answered him in the subsequent letters. From: DOUGALICIOUS Aug-15 4:00 pm To: JERRYG99 unread (15 of 22) 44.15 in reply to 44.12 prev next I support the belief that sex is holy and spiritual only within marriage. But I do believe that because the laws of the land-- as strongly guided by closed-minded churches-- disallow gays to marry, we have not been given that option. As such, I will set my own guidelines as relates to relationships and sex. I will have sex when and only when I consider myself in a marriage-like relationship. Whatever the future brings in terms of legitimizing that marriage in the eyes of the law and society (I already be ieve it is legitimized in the eyes of God), I will take advantage of those options. Homosexuality hasn't just popped its "ugly" head up in times of evil. It's been around forever, in every culture. It is documented. People think Rome and and Modern America are the two great epochs of Queer Rule, but in truth gays have been around-- eithe in the open or clandestinely-- forever. They're even in the Bible. And not the ones you think, the ones who were destroyed, etc. It's Jonathon and David. It's the eunichs. They are everywhere, participating in the kingdom of God. Doug _________________________ Excellent points Yakiti Yak! I agree wholeheartedly. This guy is in denial of the scriptures that condemn this activity. It is clearly a latter day evil that has poked its ugly head up in all wicked times of the earth's existence. Just because we have a strong desire to go after a woman (being a man) we don't do anything with her unless married to her. It's as simple as that. We have strong desires at times but since it is a serious sin we choose not to, apparently this guy and oth r gays and lesbians don't restrain themselves. Many single members live as worthy of temple blessings and they do this by keeping all of the required commandments to meet worthiness, if they are committing adultery then they are not able to attend. What d es that say about Gay and Lesbians? Can they ever be worthy acting on their desires? You cannot perform that activity without being totally outside the path of the church and therefore should be excommunicated. It is at least as bad as sex outside of marr age which is adultery and is at least a disfellowshipment sin and if not repented of should be excommunicated. How can it ever be otherwise? It is not proper, legal or moral. It is a tool of Satan as are all sexually deviant behaviors. They are burying their heads in the sand and hope that even the Lord won't see their sins. We are all sinners but at least we don't try to justify them and call anyone who explains it as a sin is old news and old views. Jerry _____________________________- Okay, I went and read the references they presented and this comment below tells me that since God doesn�t make mistakes then homosexuality is not a mistake or is okay. How silly that logic is, that must mean that when we commit Adultery or fornication or even if we are murderers it must be okay because God made us and he doesn�t make mistakes right. What about the war in heaven? Didn�t God create all the spirits there and therefore why did he make Satan and his followers? Could he have just made us all perfect? Obviously not! Not much freedom if we are all perfect and none vary from the truth one speck. We are all just mind-numbed robots. Then you must take into account that the person writing this doesn�t have a clue that we lived before we came here and we�re born of heavenly parents and raised to maturity with them and that we all have the freedom to choose right or wrong there and then and here and now just as we voted to do. If he had understood that, he wouldn�t have said what he did below. This leaves a very good point to discuss� Do you believe it? Quote from /westhollywood/Heights/7608/intro.htm According to our faith, it is God who creates us. He forms us as we are. Our genes, our temperaments, our time and place in history, our talents, our gifts, our weaknesses -- all are part of God's inscrutable and loving plan for us. So, somehow God must b behind the fact that some people are homosexual." Why then would God's word condemn it? Are these people a "mistake"? God doesn't make mistakes. Then, is there a mistake or misunderstanding in how the bible is being interpreted? That is the argument presented here. Again, I don�t condemn you for your actions. The Lord will judge all of us. We must treat each other with decency and concern where applicable. Just because you think it is okay doesn�t make it so. I have weaknesses also and I try to justify them with my own made up arguments. It doesn�t mean I won�t be punished or lose my Celestial Glory or exaltation for it. I am a person who tries to recognize anything that would keep me away from exaltation and eliminate it with Christ�s help of course, I am the one ho must over come all obstacles put in my way. I am absolutely convinced that trials (such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, over eating, jealousy and a hundred other sins) were put here and allowed to flourish by the plan we voted on in the pre-ex stence. They will bring even the best down close to destruction. Most will fail to overcome the world (NT says we must overcome the world) and will fall short of their exaltation and in fact the Celestial Glory and maybe even the Terrestrial Glory. You re in one of the many traps that Satan has thrown before you. Don�t feel too bad though most us are in one or another of Satan�s traps. Why do you think the Lord cast him out of heaven to this earth? Why not to Mars or some other vacant planet. Satan ha a purpose just as we do and he does his and we are doing ours. If you will reread that scripture I sent you, it plainly says that unnatural affection is lumped into the pot of sins like the other items mentioned. By the way, if you don�t think homosexuality is unnatural then lets see you get sealed to your buddy for time and all eternity. Do you think that a relationship like that will survive after deaf (if you do find someone to perform the ceremony it won�t b recognized by God in the next life or this). I would trust the words of the prophet way above the guy who did that website. He is interpreting the bible and as you know anyone who tries to do that against the teaching of the prophet is really headed for trouble. That is where all the churches today came from and look how messed up they are. Thanks for your nice debating manner. Jerry

Matt - 01/31/00 20:42:26
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Colorado
Favorite quote or saying: None really

Just surfing around and signing guestbooks. Visit my home page and visit the bible study of the week link. I think you will find it very informative.

Lamont - 01/26/00 22:05:49
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Illinois
Favorite quote or saying: Bible: Wisdom begins with the fear of God.

I believe you deceive yourself. I find homosexuality repugnant as it is wallowing in human filth. What can be normal about entering the anal canal? However, I agree that the Scriptures may indicate that some other sins are even worse. For example, su ely the wacko white supremacy groups are worse. I do not know how they can imagine themselves to be Christian. Surely God's judgment will be more severe for the murderers of homo-sexuals. But, you and I are not called upon to answer to God for others' ins. Only for our own.

Drew - 10/28/99 05:18:51
Where are you from: Salisbury, MD

Joey- I am so glad we have gotten to talk, your site is helping so many people every day, giving hope and meaning where there was none before. Your site proves to me that you're a great person and that should give you a great feeling inside.

Jordyn Taylor - 10/13/99 19:42:39
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Colorado

Fabulous site. I praise the Lord for people such as yourself - people willing to take Christ's truth and love to the whole world. May Christ continue to use you for His glory.

annon - 07/24/99 04:50:19
Where are you from: Colorado

I want to THANK YOU so much for providing everyone with such an insightful, intuitive website. I've always known I was gay, but it's hard to live that way when everything you've been taught supposedly goes against what you are. After studying your text, I understand now. What bothers me with people's perception of homosexuality is that it is a sin. If it is such a sin then why have I never been able to change what I am? I love and trust in Christ unconditionally, and for someone to tell me that I'm going to Hell for wha I am is clearly not true. I will be judged for other sins, but not for what I was born with! GOD BLESS YOU!

Johnny Willis - 06/09/99 22:25:49
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Darlington, SC

Thank you so much for reminding me that there are still many Christians out there who truly understand and accept the unconditional love of Jesus, our Lord.

Jennifer Smith - 12/03/98 01:58:05
My URL:/westhollywood/castro/3545
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Sacramento (at present)
Favorite quote or saying: I can do all things through Christ who strenthens me

Thanks for a great website! I walked away from my Christian upbringing years ago because I thought I could find my own God. The God of the Bible seemed to have too much against women. This was before I realized that I was also a lesbian woman. I know n w that God never left me, stayed with me and protected me for all those years. I have returned to Christ. I will never again let the world try to take my faith in Jesus away from me. The truth in love campaign of the religous right is a lie of hate cam aign. I will stand up for Jesus and continue to pray for those who misuse the Word to persecute others. A good book is "The Good Book:reading the Bible with mind and Heart" by Peter J. Gomes, preacher to Harvard University, copyright 1996.

James R. Payne - 11/27/98 06:51:14
My Email:payneinthe_but
Where are you from: Atlanta
Favorite quote or saying: Jesus Loves Everyone


Marejada - 11/24/98 13:29:07
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Puerto Rico
Favorite quote or saying: STOP THE HATE !

Saber es poder...mientras mas sepas,mejor te podras entender...mientras menos respuestas busques,mas perderas,inclusive perderas sin saber que perdiste algo y seguiras perdiendo hsta el dia que te des cuenta de que perdiste todo y no hay como volver atras ..STOP THE VIOLENCE! STOP THE HATE!

Marejada - 11/24/98 13:24:02
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Puerto Rico
Favorite quote or saying: STOP THE HATE !

Saber es poder...mientras mas sepas,mejor te podras entender...mientras menos respuestas busques,mas perderas,inclusive perderas sin saber que perdiste algo y seguiras perdiendo hsta el dia que te des cuenta de que perdiste todo y no hay como volver atras ..STOP THE VIOLENCE! STOP THE HATE!

Shofar - 10/02/98 06:27:35
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: NC
Favorite quote or saying: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" -John 15:13

Homosexuality is clearly a sin, the Bible is very plain about that.

anon. - 08/04/98 17:41:47
My Email: So.Calif
Favorite quote or saying: Treat others as you would like to be treated

I have been struggling with my sexual identity for over 20 years. I'm bi-sexual, I prefer woman(love women!) but have a slight desire toward men. Is it possible to have both and still be a Christian? I'm still in the closet.

Jay - 06/27/98 00:59:27
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: USA
Favorite quote or saying: JESUS SAVES

We are all born with a dark heart and into sin, we choose the brand of sin. The sin of homosexuality is no worse of a sin than anyother sin such as cheating, theft, murder, unkindness, heterosexual sins or pride, sin is sin. JESUS died for ALL sins and ALL sinners including homosexuality.

Lee Anderson - 06/23/98 04:20:59
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Pittsburgh PA
Favorite quote or saying: I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength

Currently I am in debate with my significant other. He recently proposed the idea of our separation due to homosexuality in the biblical sense. He believes it to be wrong and as such we must eventually break up, however I deeply believe that he believes differently or he would have broken up already. He feels as strongly as I do that we are meant to be together. God brought us together!!! He is young and depends too much on the attitudes and opinions of others. I am praying for us both. Thank you for this information. I will carefully and prayerfully use it to inform him. Thanks!

Karen - 04/08/98 12:40:35
My Email:rheinbay@post
Where are you from: Denmark

I do hope and think that this page can help some people. But I also think that the best a gay person can do is living the christian church and alle other religions and become atheist. I am a lesbien and a former VERY devotet catholic. Now I am a atheist a d much more happy. But every person have her one way to go.

Eddy Hooper - 01/30/98 03:07:38
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Dayton, Ohio
Favorite quote or saying: "So if God gave them the same gift as he gave us, who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think I could oppose God?-Acts 11:17

Great homepage! Praise God you did this for all to take part of. Keep up the good work!

G. Edwards - 01/03/98 21:09:19
My URL:/wellesley/4812/
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Missouri
Favorite quote or saying: "Speak those things that are not as though they were"

God bless you and keep up the good work! Oh and Stacy........ you have a talented lady there! Singer

test - 12/21/97 00:05:32


Ellen Selover - 11/06/97 02:35:37
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: California
Favorite quote or saying: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8
Great page. I loved it. Ellen

Ronda - 10/14/97 17:11:49
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from: Fargo, ND
Favorite quote or saying: You just have to take life one minute at a time...
Hi :) Just saying hello to anyone who visits this site. Glad to have you here. IHS

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