Karen Williams'Home

Hi my name is Karen Williams and I am transgendered and proud of it

This is my first attempt at a web site, so be patient, I only signed up on 17 August 1999, and given time this site will get better and better.

I have been cross dressing since the early '70's. I'm now 33. I started to dress as a girl, and a baby girl from about the age of 9, and for some reason I also had a fetish about dressing up as a cow and a mermaid? Weird I know. I thought every boy was doing this. But how wrong I was, only the special boys.

I can distinctly remembering at about this time having a strange fascination with female clothing, so much so I had to try it on. First I dangerously began to try on my mum's bra's in my bedroom, while they were watching the TV (The Television and not some other transgendered sole). Then I can remember trying on her shoes in the hall, with everyone around. They must have suspected then, but apparently not.

As the years went on my dressing got more and more elaborate, until I now go out fully dressed as a young woman, without a care in the world. It's great.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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