Thank you for visiting and thank you for all the support and well wishes you've sent. I can't tell you how proud I am to know you my friends.

Rex A. Worthington-Snowbell - 05/03/00 23:30:01
My URL:None of your goddamn business
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: Fuck no.

You people are disgusting, lousy pieces of shit. I cannot see how you can look at yourselves in the mirror. We are now forming an anti-gay group called "Mad Cat Crew" and soon to be as big as the KKK...we will be kicking all your fag asses out of America. The only good gay is a dead one! GAY= Got AIDS YET? HIV=Heterosexuality is Vindication. Rot in hell.

IndigoPotter2 and Meesh - 02/20/00 15:09:00
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: always

IP and Meesh finally got access's been 6 months for her, almost a year for me. But worry not, things are great in NY. We tried to post a "we're back" on the LWL club page and found it...gone. So we were even MORE excited to see that the one and only Curad is back in chat. Please extend our "hi's" and "we're fine's" to all the LWLers. Our puter won't let us chat, for some unknown reason, but we're looking forward to emailing y'all again. -IP and Meesh

frecklesjap - 01/22/00 22:13:56
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: yes

Pride_3 turned me on to your website and enjoyed it thoroughly. Still accepting pictures? I am new to the lesbian lounge, but am addicted to it! I am 36 f from Texas and a pharmacist by profession. Hope to hear from you. Thanks for a great site to see, oh , and am a Apple-Mac lover!!

- 12/18/99 07:47:37


rachel - 09/05/99 18:40:05
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: definately

curad,,i am so happy i found your page,,i don't know if you remember me,,but i used to be a regular on yahoo chat,,went bye crazy_rae..also one_crazy_lady...well i have lost touch for about a year from you all..and just want to say hey!!!love your pages.. nd write me when you get the chance woman!!!love ya

Boots - 07/10/99 21:39:51
My URL:/westhollywood/park/2369
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: Definitely!...: -)

Boots World

Thought I'd come back and leave a door way..: -)

Boots World

Come soon for a visit. See you soon.

Boots - 07/10/99 21:30:05
My URL:/westhollywood/park/2369
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: Definitely!...: -)

I definitely here you! Your page was very refreshing and inspirational! It was uplifting to read about the wonderful friends that were there for you. Thank you for sharing...And I loved page layout and coloring.

Satania Sayers - 05/04/99 06:59:13
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: Nah.

I'm confused (Ladies) LoL. How can any of you possibly have pride in such an unnatural and sexually confused lifestyle? It just doesn't make good sense! Satie

Lori - 12/08/98 23:34:41
My Email:[email protected]

How do I get my picture in here? I'm in the lesbian chat rooms all the time and would love to. In fact, I found a friend of mine in here, Scarlett 789. I hope to hear back from you ASAP. Thanks, Lori (smithtolles)

Flybynight26&Patico - 10/31/98 12:31:19
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: sure will

Hey curad hope you get this!! We finally got your web page from curad and just visited it again. It is cool. We had a computer crash ages ago and lost everything. I haven't seen you in ages. would love to say hi to you and see how you are doing. ema l me if you wish. Hope you are well!! Love Fly

Nic27 - 09/12/98 02:37:58
Will you be back to see me?: probably so, yeah I will

hey C, you still continue to amaze me. I hope life is treating you well and of course you're having fun. Keep your head up.

Cindy - 09/07/98 12:17:02
My Email:[email protected]
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Alley_S71 - 08/28/98 04:45:08
My Email:[email protected]

Hey, this is an awesome "get-together of picts" I've really enjoyed looking through it with my girl friend Jodi_29s!!!! See you in Yahoo!

IndigoPotter2 - 08/20/98 23:12:49

~~P~~R~~I~~D~~E~~ A nod and a smile for this labor of love... Thank you, Curad @}-}------

Jackie Finch - 08/10/98 07:42:00
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: yes

Hi, Curad, JD gave me the address here. I'm WomonSoft. Thought I'd stop in.

jslick_76 - 08/04/98 18:05:23
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: yes

Great Page!!

Danger_grrrl - 07/18/98 16:40:15
Will you be back to see me?: no

take my pic OFF OF PG 10 or where ever it's at. I don't want anything to do with you or Sandy, you are a bunch of lying deceiving bitches

FrenchKissII - 07/17/98 16:18:20
My Email:[email protected]

Curad.....just wanted to say thanks for a wonderful websight! It's really opened me up watching all of you lady's in the chat. Over the past year i went from completely in the closet to feeling proud to be myself and open. it's wonderful to see all the lo e and support all of you give. Thanks again.

Jackie - 07/08/98 21:49:43

I just had to say this in my guestbook for all my friends to see...I MISS YOU ALL! I just saw Alley's message and I just can't say how proud I am of her. To think that I was even a very tiny part of that makes me feel so good. All I wanted to do wi h these pages is to hopefully bring the ladies of the lounges a little closer...basically to show that there really are faces behind the typing. After seeing a gal come out as Alley did through the support of a group of people that only chat through there computers really restores my belief that people are basically good caring people. N-E-wayz...I just had to say...I LOVE YOU ALL!

Alley_S71/ PoleVaulterGirl - 07/08/98 04:41:42
My Email:[email protected]

Loved this page! i would like to thank everyone in yahoo chat, they helped me come OUT. Without the friends i have made there i may have been lost! the lesbian chat at yahoo and the friends i have met there have helped me grow and learn. With my dream of ecoming a "successful lesbian woman," i will carry each one of my friends in my heart forever, knowing that their friendship has sparked ambition and desires! May our adversities make us stronger! Love you All, always! :)

Unique Woman - 06/22/98 14:05:11
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: Of course!


Hello Curad! Happy Pride!!! Always a pleasure to visit you...Keep up the good work!
Unique Woman

klynn18 - 06/07/98 21:47:01
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: yes

Hope I can get my picture on this page one day. Great job!

shybynite - 06/06/98 17:51:56
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: yes

Loved the pics. Like to put faces with some of the names I see. Thanks for taking the time to do this.

Tony(Ice) - 06/04/98 00:40:08
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: Hell Yes

Just love looking at all to women. "Ice here to heat you up and then to cool you off"

Pooh10_20 - 05/28/98 08:52:55
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: you know it

Hey Curad....How are ya?As you know i am back.So I came to see if you updated and you did.It looks great.Miss not seeing you in chat.Hope to see you soon.Anyway..HUGS...Pooh

LaVache(Returns) - 05/10/98 22:53:21
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: You have to ask?

Dearest Jackie. I am SO glad to see that you are back! I missed you. And I am so sorry to hear about the problems you have been facing. From what I have read in your guestbook, there are loads of people who love you and see you as the sweet and charming lady that you rea ly are. Take the love and go with that, instead of listening to the spiteful *censored*es. Hope to see you again soon. Wim aka LaVache.

Friend528 - 05/07/98 05:59:44
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: Yepper!

Outasight idea! Would love to get more gals here... Would love to get more pics here also...LOL Love the photo album the most although the whole thang is great! Thanks, Wom!

NZYME - 04/30/98 04:25:38
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: yes

A heartfelt thanks to you Curad & all the team for enabling me to place faces to the wonderful womyn I have met via Yahoo Chat. Ake kia kaha. (Maori phrase � translation:'forever be strong') NZYME

cartwhee_of_fortune - 04/22/98 09:17:09
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: yup

Hey curad. I'm new to the chat and i found your pages really helped in realizing that these are real people who deserve respect.If it's any consolation to you, it really helped make it real for me. Anyways I don't understand what happened here..cause i w s delerius from lack of food, sleep etc that a newbie has to go through, but keep rock'in the world.It looks like you have a lot of support and i agree with some of the previous comments re:life is too short and woman gotta stop slamming women. E-mail me f ya want a say hi...See ya keep yer chin up.

KiSs_therain - 04/21/98 05:25:02
Will you be back to see me?: ALWAYS

WELCOME HOME JACKIE!!!!!!!!!WE HAVE MISSED YOU :) and O sorry for all my typos in my last message...was so emotional that noc :) *Lovehugsnkisses* God be with you and gang always! You gals have the greatest hearts!

Tessa_d - 04/20/98 10:52:07
Will you be back to see me?: always and forever

well where do i start? i have been wanting to write something and i have told you dear curad that i would. im sorry it has taken so long, but this is so hard. i hate not seeing your name on this page.i hate seeing the fighting and arguing from the lounges i remember when it was a fun thing to go into yahoo. seeing all my friends and making new friends and welcomeing the new commers. i remember the days when the lounges where full of love,compasion and understanding. i havent been in chat for a long while n w.some due to the fact my puter has been down. but when i got another puter up and going all the fighting had started.then chat wasnt the same. jackie my friend your name may not be on the page but i still feel your heart in these pages. these pages are s ill marked in my favorites as curads page and my dear friend they will always stay marked that for to me they still and always will be your page. what happened to the good days? when the only time the ladies of the lounges would fight and argue was agains the men who were harrassing everyone? its a sad day in my heart with what has happened to something so dear to me. i have meet alot of nice ladies and have alot of very very close friends from chat...toul...iluvwomyn...nel...boobutt....and all the great adies of MN. i have been to a few MN gatherings and if everyone in chat would be like the gatherings we have in this great state and like a few gatherings in other states then chat would be the way it used to be. i still send my hugs to all i repeat all t e great ladies of yahoo chat. and please ladies try to bring back the days of ole in chat that way when some new ladies come there to meet new people and friends or a partner for life they dont leave thinking bad of yahoo because of all the fighting. love tess

KiSs_therain - 04/20/98 06:56:57
Will you be back to see me?: Missed seeing Curad-Girl's Lake Tahoe

Just to let you know, this page will never be the same without the host in it. You are the heart of this page. It feels as if someone has killed you or something. I'm so said this has happened to you. Of all person!!!!! Sighs* I know your heart will alway go on for all of us!!! Keep up your spirit gal. We are here for you!!! Love and hugs* We love you!

- 04/19/98 23:16:40

Linn25 - 04/19/98 02:50:50
Will you be back to see me?: You betcha!!

Jackie, my friend,you are and will always be the Goddess in my book! You have a very kind heart and a lot of class. I have always seen this homepage as a labor of love from you to the ladies of the lounge - and I thank you for that. Keep up the good work Love ya.

Sweeet - 04/18/98 21:10:57
My URL:/westhollywood/village/7826
Will you be back to see me?: absolutely

Jackie.. your page is and always has been the greatest. I have so enjoyed all that you have done for us, the ladies of chat. You have brought many of us together, given us a place to be seen and heard. Not to mention all the excellent help you gave me ith my page. LOVE YOU JACKS!!!

Stacy - 04/18/98 20:50:25
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: always Jackie

Its a shame how people are using your homepage as an outlet for childish games.....these pages are enjoyed by so many people....keep up the good work Jackie...We Love You

Wlfgngbny1 - 04/17/98 14:01:06
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/3864/
Will you be back to see me?: ABSOLUTELY

Jackie....I really enjoyed your h-page!! It's great fun to see all the pics you've posted of the people from chat....thanks for including mine! : ) As for this other "bullshit".....I think it's SO sad...pathetic actually. In reading what's been written I can see people's "true colors" shinning through. Stay sweet, Jackie! Hope to talk to you soon! ; )

KiSs_therain - 04/17/98 12:26:20
Will you be back to see me?: Promise you wont shock me next time .. LOL

It saddens my heart to see such things happening. Words are gift from God. If misused it can kill. Please stop hurting each other and start to learn to love and forgive one another. And Curad-Girl, you're still my Goddess. ��� I'm always looking forward t see pictures.....they speak for more louder than words!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YA LOTS!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!!! PEACE LADIES!! :) Life is far too short for all these headaches and heartaches! Let go and Let God! Peace be with all of you!!!!! *HUGS*

nordic_chic - 04/17/98 01:01:47
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: always

C as a great lady and has a great page...I'm happy just to be a part of it. Thanks for always being there for me C! :)

Sellly - 04/16/98 20:40:38
Will you be back to see me?: yes I will be

Curad, I love your photo album and keep coming back to see what is new and different. It is a complete joy for me to see great women gatherings and friends. Thanks for sharing it with me and all the other people. HUGS to you. Sellly

Fairywoman&TTD_ - 04/16/98 04:41:17
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/6490/
My Email:[email protected] /or/ [email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: Always !!!!

Dear Curad, TTD and I wanted to sign the guest book in regards to the Deven Trashing. We don't feel that this is right and think it very childish way to behave. You have many friends in Yahoo and we are very happy to know you. Stay sweet and caring like ou always are and give the men hell. People will see which one of you is the faker!!! We love you babe.

MYSTICDREAMER9 - 04/16/98 04:26:40
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: of course!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry for all the rude comments about the pages put up about chewy and myself........ I have spoken the truth and wished to end all of this peacefully......but that was not to be...... so, the pages were put up..with full warning to the other one involved. If everyone knew the history behind all of this...they might understand i'am not an unlind petty, i will take the pages down after i write the history behind it all. there are many things i wished to keep to myself, but it looks like i have no other choice than to put up the entire event leading up to rets and all....... This way the others might understand that i do not harm without being harmed first. I'm not a vendictive person, and the help i have given to others on and off line will speak for me. Thank you for the link to your page and i know it's uncomfortable so, i will write the total history and put it on the page. As soon as everyone has had time to see it i will take it all down. If people really knew you and i, they would never make the comments they have. You did not post the pages....i did, and all i asked for was to link for a few days to t ll the truth. I'm sorry you are getting the crap you are from it. My deepest appologies to you and all who are offended by the truth. i know you are stressed by the, after the history.....away they go................... Love, Mysticdreamer9

- 04/16/98 04:03:03
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: of course

hi girl....this is Mystic...............thank you!!!!!!!!! HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennpr - 04/16/98 02:31:09
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/7864
My Email:[email protected]
Will you be back to see me?: always

Curad baber.. Sorry about all this on yer page, I do myself think it is childish.. I do not judge people on what others say, but on what that person proves to me they are. And all that you have shown me is that you are a very kind, loving, dedicated ind vidule. You have shown me nothing but love and respect. and I thankyou for that. I still think yer one of the greatest. My love to you hon, and my support. It is quite childish, and a self imbrassment to those doing this. But whatever works for thier icks I guess they will do. Will see you around hon.. *big hugs and kisses*

- 04/15/98 23:52:36


allikent - 04/15/98 22:50:29
My Email:[email protected]

well..i'd like to say that i have known curad for awhile now, and she has never seemed to be a "fake" or any of the outlandish things that she has recently been called. i simply do NOT understand why in the HELL we womin can't just GET ALONG??? SHIT...w already have 99%of the world against us, the RATIONAL exlanation would be that we would stick TOGETHER...NOT call each other childish and immature names and do the gradeschool name calling thing... aren't we all GROWN here? gawd. no WONDER society looks down upon us at times. look at this behavior!!!!! how can we expect people to treat us with respect when we act like immature children.... i, personally, am a young (21 year old) lesbian, and hell..even I wouldn't act in such a manner. i guess all i can say is, " thank GOD that WE are the future." otherwise, lesbians would NEVER gain the respect that we deserve. and, if i offend or piss off someone with this, so be it. i am NOT afraid to stand up for MY beliefs. and i will NOT resort to childish and immature name-calling tactics either.

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