tHoSe FuNkY vRaVeRs:

HeAtH LiZ tHe DeEvAh cHeZ PoLmAh
aNdYj & cArLi PrObY & KiCkFlIpGiRl dOuGe AzReAl
mAtTiE ChElLe rEzIdEw PeZbOy
sKiNnEr NyNeX kItTyN PoUnCe & AnDyJ
mIkEd EdC & aRaNa pUcE RaVeN1
AsTeRiX,pRoBy&KiTtYn AlLrOy KeLl,CrUnChIe,MiNt @MoSaIc hAlO
JeNn (SoOpAh SiLvA Sparkl GrRl) pYrO Iq EmC


As some of you may or may not know, Vrave is now a thing of the past. Yep- just as I get a decent vrave photo gallery going, vrave is now kaput, fini, gone. But if you still want to hang out and chat with all these cool people you can now find us @ Rez-Of-War (Courtesy of Rezidew and Liz). Hope to see you there!