Welcome to Martin's Millenium page!

WORRY.....................THIS IS WHO WE ARE.......


UpDatEd AuGuSt 25, 1998

Welcome to my webpage devoted to the TV drama Millenium.

In my opinion Millenium is one of the best shows on television today. There is no other show like it on. It's great writing and dark atmosphere won a Peoples Choice Award in 1996 for best new drama, and gave the Fox Television Network the highest ratings for a pilot ever!

Millenium follows the exploits of Frank Black as he trys to make the world a better place for his wife Catherine, and for his daughter Jordan. With the aid of the Millenium Group Frank trys to undo the evil brought on to this world by the approaching millenium.

Frank Black used to work for the F.B.I. investigating serial killers, he's seen children dead, bad things happen to good people, basically there is nothing that Frank hasn't seen. Frank was the best at what he did, but there was a reason. When Frank would be sent to a crime scene he would get these flashes in his mind of what the killer or perpatrator did from his/her point of view. Tackled with this curse, and longing to be with his family, Franks quits the force, and retires. But his retirement was short lived, for The Millenium Group, a mysterious organization that investigates strange events that what they believe are linked to the millenium approaching, asks Frank to become an investigator for them. Feeling as if he were The Catcher in the Rye, Frank reluctantly takes the job. But upon working with them a deadly disease linked to the Millenium group take the life of his wife Catherine. Frank then quits the group, and moves to Washington D.C., and works with the F.B.I in the hopes to expose the Millenium Group

Sounds "e-mail" his "gift" Main theme "Frank's got e-mail" sound

Lance Hennrickson potrays Frank Black. He does an excellent job in doing so. He was nominated for a People's choice award for best actor in a dramatic series his first year with Millenium. Lance has been in many movies including The Quick and the Dead, Pumpkinhead, and Powder. But he gained the most noteriety as the cyborg from Aliens.

Millennium News

Millenium has still been rated around 55 through 70 out of 150 shows. Millenium now has a novel out. It's called The Frenchman (pictured below). It's based on the episode of the same name. NEW: Millenium will still be apart of FOX's television lineup. Evidently, FOX has reconsidered thier idea of replacing Millenium, and will hold on to it for the rest of the season. The Future is still hazy if it will renew "our" show for a another season. CONGRATS to Millenium, and Lance Henrickson for Golden Globes nominations for Best Drama,, and Best Actor in a Dramatic series for 1997.

Various types of Millenium merchandise will become available for purchase by the good people at 800 TREKKER around Summer time. Call 1-800-trekker for a catalog. It's free! I have done buisness with them before and they are a good company.
The FOX Network has renewed our fave show for one more season. This time it's set Washington D.C. instead of Seattle. I personally like the Seattle setting. Let's hope that the Washinton D.C. move will not effect the quality of our drama.
If anyone has any Millenium information feel free to "e" me.


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This site is a mere skeleton of what it once was, Millenium.....Rest in peace.....

Millenium reruns are currently airing on the F/X cable channel.

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