Kentucky Sasquatch Sightings

This page specializes in Sasquatch sightings in Kentucky

Wait and listen, and you just may hear a bigfoot!

Welcome to the Kentucky Sightings Bigfoot page.

In the past twenty years, Kentucky hasn't been very rich in Saquatch sightings, as opposed to the "Bigfoot rich" states of Ohio, Minnesota, and California. But the big furry guy has been spotted in our great state on occasion!


My sources on these are vague, so I don't have the exact dates, but just the time periods, and city's from which they occured:

1960's: There were many sightings during the 60's around the Kentucky Lake area. In one instance a family reported to a local newpaper that as they were fishing they saw a "creature" that walked like a man and drank from the lake using his hands.
1970's: There still were many reports of Kentucky Lake sightings. During this time period, the sightings started to branch to Boone County. Many sightings reported from Boone County were from farmers waking up from frightnend livestock.
1980's: This was a dry period for Bigfoot sightings in Kentucky. There were a few reported in the Kentucky Lake area, but nothing like the 60' and 70's.
1990's to present: Many of the sightings reported recently are from the getting reports of a Sasquatch Larue County, and Hardin County area, particularly in the city of Sonora. NEW!!!...I was "e'd" a sighting in Sonora involving a motorist seeing a huge animal run across the road, and into bushes. The sighting also exclaimed the wierd gleam in the creature's eyes.



These are to my knowledge, the most credible sightings. I know they are vague, but I was only working with minimal resources. I will post more in depth sightings, as they are sent to me.


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Please e-mail me your, or some sightings that you know of, and I'll post them. They sightings must be from Kentucky.
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