These are all my messages, excluding those damn tele-marketers. I screen my emails.

Stephne Smith - 04/21/00 18:21:54
My Email:[email protected]

Hey there!!!! I miss you! I thought you said that you were going to be coming in all the time! Please keep in touch. Lorrie and I have a dance concert coming up in May...May 5th and 6th at 8pm and May 6th also at 2pm. Please come if you can!!! E-mail me and I'll get you directions and stuff. I love you!!!! luv, Stephne

May - 04/19/00 02:01:36
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: Life's it up!

Hey Jeff. I haven't checked out your website yet. I wanted to sign in first. Anyway, ciao babe. Cya soon.

Russell Llewellyn - 01/26/00 01:03:56
My Email:[email protected]

Wow you did a great job on the web page! I was just surfing the web and came upon this sight and it's nice to see some names from ETHS! Take Care Russ

Jennie - 01/13/00 20:15:34
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: "Derek has an odd crotch."

Hey sweetie. Just a note to say "what's up?" I miss ya, and I love ya like a big brother. *hugs~n~kisses*

Danielle - 01/10/00 09:01:37
Favorite Quote: I'm withholding this information so as not to incriminate myself...

I love the new gallery. I think I need doubles! (Except of course the ones you took from me :) ).

- 01/03/00 03:31:17
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: Never settle for anything; you only end cheating yourself.

Hey, bum! I don't rate enough to appear in the friends' page?

Jeff Platt - 01/03/00 02:45:05
My Email:you know my email
Favorite Quote: "Coffee... Coffee now!" - Draws, PCU

Hey, like how the homepage is looking. I like the pics too =) Later!

Maronya - 12/12/99 01:11:19
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: Life is what you make of it.

Jeff, I really like your website! I look forward to seeing you soon. Maronya.

Paul Sieveking - 11/18/99 00:21:25
My URL:/westhollywood/Cafe/5101
Favorite Quote: Love within reason, that isn't love . ..


katie muzik - 10/23/99 16:31:37
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: "Mark, what you need is a cheeseburger and a fuck."

Hi, Jeff!!! What's going on in California world? I'm at Elmhurst College in IL doing props and running into John Zumbrock occassionally. My life is so much better now than it has ever been thanks to therapy and humility and I've cut my hair really short. :) Are y u working or what? Do you hear from Sir Nicholas at all? I did visit Peoria during the summer and saw Jeffrey, but that was it. Unfortunately, I did have to see the Big "D" as well, but he told me in a drunken stupor as he carried around Robyn's purse hat "we should all do what's best for ourselves". Whatever, Derek. Anyway, give me a write, I'm over at hotmail and let me know what's up! katie

Danielle - 09/27/99 08:45:32
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: "Your blue mignt be grey, your less mignt be more, your window to the world mignt be your own front door." -Blackhawk

Hi Jeff- Just seeing what you've done to the place. I demand to know where you found pictures of me...

Chrystee - 08/05/99 13:59:18
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: yada... yada... yada

Hi.. nice page... Good job on the weight loss..

Dawn - 07/15/99 00:19:50
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: Smile and the world smiles with you!!

Hi Jeff! Nice site see ya on the boards. :o)

Janice - 07/14/99 22:28:41
Favorite Quote: I borrowed this: "Of all the things I've lost, it's my mind I miss the most"!

Hi Jeff: I'm a Chub Club member (well, not officially anyway) Really like your site here. I'm a native Californian. I live in Culver City, that's about 50 miles from Lake Forrest (my mom use to live there). Well - I'll probably be hearing from you ove on Rosies site Take care

Nick - 06/29/99 07:14:34
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: "If I wanted a bitch, I'd buy a dog!"

i love your web page...very original.....kepp it up, people like you are rare!

Clarissa Yearman - 05/30/99 04:33:38
My Email:[email protected]


Jennie a.k.a. the Scooter - 05/26/99 20:14:21
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: The world is but a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

Hey Jeff, I haven't seen you for a while, and who knows if I ever will again. Maybe someday. I just thought I'd say "what's up" and good luck now that you're done with school. Love you always.

Chris Hamilton - 05/26/99 04:10:15
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: I think you're all fucked in the head, we're ten hours from the fuckin fun park and you wanna bail out!! Well I'll tell you something, his is no longer a vacation, it's a quest, it's a quest for fun!! I'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun. We're all gonna have so much fuckin' fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our goddamned smiles. You'll be whistling Zip a Dee Doo Dah ou of your assholes!! I gotta be crazy I'm on a pilgrimage to see a moose, PRAISE MARTY MOOSE!! Oh SHIT!! ---Guess Who

Hey Jeff!! It's a pleasure to sign your page. How is Meredith doing? : )

Sara S. - 05/23/99 22:28:19
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Jeff! I was playing around on the web and I must say that your web page is truly you. =) I love the pictures. Take care sweetie! - Sara

Sharal Bedard - 05/17/99 03:24:13
My Email:[email protected]

Dear Jeff, Hey guy, how are you? Nice web page. Is Mark your new man? I am still manless, but I did run into an old fling form Chico this weekend, so that was fun. I can not wait to see you. Congrat on the weight loss and graduation. Love, Sharal

Hi it's me - 05/13/99 07:28:56
My URL:'
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Quote: A gibe is not a rebuttal

So I got depressed because nobody had signed my guestbook, so now I have at LEAST one message. jeff