Graphical demonstration of how Ultra Hair Works


With all the talk about curing baldness, researchers seem to have forgotten the opposite problem - too much body hair. Victoria Body Works is addressing the hairy situation with Ultra Hair Away, a product thats so successful at getting rid of unwanted body hair, people are calling it baldness in a bottle.

It's a clear, odorless topical solution that, when applied immediately after hair removal, saturates the exposed base of the hair follicle and begins the process of slowing down hair growth.

Not only does Ultra Hair Away also slow the growth of hair, but over time it will also change the original dark thick, coarse unwanted hair to softer, smaller, finer, lighter hair which will eventually resemble the hair you once had as a baby.

It's completely natural and works by mimicking the process that causes baldness. What's more, there are no side effects - except for slowed growth with softer skin. It works equally well on women and men and slows hair growth on legs, arms, face, upper lip, back shoulders, abdomen, underarms and bikini lines.

Many women who used to wax their legs every six weeks are now waxing every four to six months. Some men who used to shave once a day are now just shaving once or twice a week.

The three main factors that determine how quickly the product works for you are 1) How coarsely haired or hirsute you are to begin with, 2) The method of hair removal, and 3) The condition of your skin. Expect one bottle to last one month to several months, depending on the size and number of bodyparts to which it is being applied.