Me?! Me?! You want to know a little about me? I feel so honored. OK, here goes.

You know that guy who sat alone in the hallway eating lunch and doing homework during high school. Yeah, that guy. That was me. "That" being the operative term. I've changed a lot since high school. Self-confidence can be a wonderful thing.

If you hadn't heard, I'm single. The Asshole Formally Known As Boyfriend hit the road and left me holding a broken heart. But I'm not bitter.... no, not at all. OK, yeah I am, but I'm healing, you should have seen me a couple weeks ago! And to give credit where credit is due, he's not that much of an asshole, but for the time, it makes me feel better to pretend that he is.

I'm an actor, no really. Not just a cute guy who thinks living in LA can make him famous, but a real live actor who studied and everything. I love to be on a stage, living as another person. Being an actor has taught me so much about the human condition, and why people act the way they do. I know I'll be doomed to poverty, but I didn't choose this life, it chose me.

Other interesting trivia about me includes....

Any other questions? Feel free to ask.