These are some of the people who actually thought enough to sign my guestbook

Darrel - 07/19/00 02:01:02
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Duh!!
My how far we have come....Seems like only yesterday that I started this website.... I must apologize for the lack of updates, but I'm finding college pretty demanding. However, I'm right around halfway through college, so I just have to hang in for the second half.

Richard - 07/13/00 04:50:20
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: other/alien
So how many years have past bye, soo far??? seems just like yesterday i was first visiting your web sight, thinking about how in the helll people put all this stuff on the web ...

Carl - 01/30/00 17:34:53
Darrel, You might want to remove my old link from your links page. As that site was reassigned after I gave it up.... I don't have a homepage anymore. I never got around to updating it, so ....... ThanX

Josh - 11/25/99 23:35:06
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Gay man baby
Hi there. I really enjoy your homepage! it's very inspirational and uplifting...almost refreshing! a/w...way to go on getting the public informed and on the way to the next millennium...kudos. also, will you ever add any pics to your homepage? i would love to see you. Asu buff...Josh

Carl - 09/04/99 15:24:38
My URL:none now
My Email:[email protected]
HI. I see you've updated you site a little. Nice to see some new pictures. Hope all is well Carl

Casey - 04/15/99 21:24:28
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Gay.
Vanessa Duarte mentioned your site to me the other day and gave me the address to visit. I love it and especially loved the quotes. It's a wonderful site and I'll be back to visit more. :-)

Vanessa Duarte - 04/13/99 21:31:21
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: other
I really love this site. This was very thorough and I love the way it was set up.....KNIGHT RIDER RULZ!!!

BEARMINDS - 03/17/99 14:42:07
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: gwm
I live in a smaller town than San Angelo but once lived in San Angelo

James - 11/27/98 05:24:38
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Gay
Darrel I havent see you in a while but i am glad to see that you have found happiness you are a great guy and a good friend you deserve it. The site looks great keep up the work congrats on finally going to school email me sometime James

roddtx - 11/12/98 23:17:34
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: gay male
loved your site particularly your quotes page i also have alot of quotes on mine and i am glad that u have some neat ones there i got a giggle and found inspiration thanks again

Mike Reed - 09/14/98 13:00:55
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: gay
I think your coming out story is wonderful. It can be very harsh or very easy for some people. I also was close to doing myself in. But I came to terms with everythings and know have never been happier. Love your pages keep up the great work sir.

Daryl - 07/20/98 12:14:09
My Email:[email protected]
Hello I am from San Angelo as well and I just loved your story, it gives me hope that a young gay man can find love out here. Also I am proud of you for your "knightly" conquest. I hope you have great luck with it and your relationship. By the way I work ith the San Angelo AIDS foundation and if you ever need any help please email me. Thanks your friend, Daryl "VERN"

Kara Townsend - 06/26/98 21:49:22
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

Bubble - 06/05/98 06:54:53
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: very very timid
It's so good to know that someone is "out" there, even if just a little bit. I was afraid there would be nothing but fallwell babtists and cattle in San Angelo. Apparenly the cattle have Mooooved.

Bubble - 06/05/98 06:52:50
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: very very timid
It's so good to know that someone is "out" there, even if just a little bit. I was afraid there would be nothing but fallwell babtists and cattle in San Angelo. Apparenly the cattle have Mooooved. Bubble

Darryl - 06/03/98 17:20:43
My Email:[email protected]
Nice site. As an escaped Dallasite of 14 years, it's good to see something like this coming from Texas.

charlie - 06/03/98 10:44:37
My Email:[email protected]
Really enjoyed your page it is very nice. I am from San Angelo, my parents still live there and come down from time to time, i live in Dallas.

- 04/30/98 18:28:25
Thanks for the search engines

Vage 222 - 04/17/98 20:33:02
My Email:[email protected]
Hello,Honey I know its been a while since I've been by here, I've been kind of busy hanging out with some guy lately. He's been taking up quiet a bit of my time, hope you don't mind! Today I came by the lab to see if I could find some cool stuff on UFO's. Wondering a so where I'm going to start applying for the summer, I still haven't typed up my resume..O.K. so I need a good kick in the ass (or something) to start getting things done. Well I'll talk to you soon, just thought I'd drop by to say Hello, if your wondering why I don't just e-mail you...I-doe'-know, guess it's just that wonderful part of me.

Carl - 04/04/98 18:13:27
My URL:http:// you already know it
My Email:[email protected]
Hi Bro, I've been meaning to say I like having an updated photo of you. And as always I think highly of you. Now we have to get a site for Dave and the three of us will be represented on the web. :-) Working on a new site for myself.. Trying something new. Will let you know when it is posted. LY Carl

Donna - 03/22/98 23:50:01
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: transgendered, thorughly confused, anal-retentive, psycho bitch, thank-you very much!
Nice home page...great music...good, clean html code. I'm impressed. Wanna' go out sometime? J/K!!!

tish - 03/15/98 09:44:54
we are all okay!

Alex - 03/15/98 08:57:29
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/8800
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: "L"
I love the track lighting!

Spike - 03/06/98 15:58:52
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Lesbian
I really enjoyed your "new and improved" website. I haven't checked it out since you first set it up. Looks Great! Spike

Richard Wuertemburg - 03/05/98 22:11:58
My URL:http://???
G/L/B?: ??
So, I've finally stopped by. "I love your story" The introduction made me cry, you know this past week I think I've shed tears on several occasions, its been a wounderful experience considering at one point in my life I had thought I had forgotten how to cry. Every time it happeness I can feel a certain amount of shame and sorrow lifted from my heart. It is very inspiring to here that there is another gay person in this world that hasn't given up either. I made a conscious decision about two years ago tha I would never give up trying to help. Here lately, I realize I can't do it all alone... I have been searching for someone with like minded qualities, I know that the beauty of love is a powerful substance of the univers. "The trees say it, rocks show it, nd the moon shines it, How I long to be as they are, simple yet perfect in every way". This past week has been great! I haven't spent time with anyone in a long time, I have been consuming myself with my work in order to forget about stuff like that, but I still always do and to tell you the truth my work hasn't been all that great lately. I've had no feelings. Things have started to grow cold. I'm glad we meet. I hope things can really blossom for the two of us! "I can't force the wind to blow, it just d es." I hope to see you soon, love Richard.

Richard Pate - 02/22/98 18:36:18
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Gay!
You have a very COOL page! Very well done! I am sorry for the loss of your friend.

Ralph Casillas - 02/09/98 18:27:09
My Email:[email protected]
I like the website. I guess i have to put up with the annoying little "blipverts" that pop up at the front of the home page. You are a great net friend and i will more fully explore your website as time allows. Thanks.

John Ayres - 02/05/98 06:08:47
My Email:[email protected]
You've freed your mind...the rest WILL follow : )

KC Jenkins - 01/31/98 18:02:16
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/2345
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: lesbian, formerly transgendered (until about 23 y.o.)
Thank you for sharing yourself with the world. You are a very special man. And you don't have to search for religion to be spiritual. Spirituality is necessary for personal growth, not religion. I am not a christian and no one will ever be able to per uade me to become one. Try reading Plato.

Kelly Holmes - 01/09/98 15:38:35
My URL:/collegepark/2639/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Nope
Awesome page! Love the Disney banner...

Denis Benoit (furryman) - 01/01/98 22:46:13
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: gay
Well hon, I finally made it here... about ten minutes after chatting with you, in fact. It was a good way to start off a new year. You're doing a really good job.

Randy Cummans - 12/31/97 07:14:49
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: G, B? or maybe a BG
Great site LK, Darrel, really enjoyed the design and especially the insight into you. Keep it going on. rscyan

Andy - 12/26/97 20:09:25
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Gay
Really Amazing... What a mind! What a purpose! (To Be Continued.........)

Jerry Brown - 12/19/97 21:54:39
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/1776
My Email:[email protected]
Hi Darrel. You did a great job on your web pages. Keep up the great work. We need move Lavender Knights in shining armor, and I appreciate what you do.

Alec - 12/05/97 06:29:23
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Definitely Gay!
Kudos to sharing your life to are not alone in the quest to "find" yourself. I understand your view on christianity, have you ever looked into the Unitarian Universalist? It is a church that practice on acceptance and understanding...(I am not trying to sell ya on anything...) Anyway, best of luck!

Charlie - 12/02/97 00:35:29
My Email:[email protected]
Great site.....i like your comments and sense of request,,,pls dont judge Christianity by the likes of the religious right,,one of the largest gay christian churches is in Dallas area..Have "met" hundreds of gay christians (like myself) in AOL s M4M chat rooms...hang in there

- 11/27/97 04:24:52
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: N O Y B - M Y O B

Donnie - 11/23/97 21:51:17
My Email:[email protected]
Great pages!!!

CasR - 11/18/97 02:22:27
My URL:none :(
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: gay
so far so good...i like the site just the first page is intriguing

Paul - 11/06/97 17:08:19
My Email:[email protected]
Except for the snakes me and you are have everything in common and i mean everything

Eric (AKA TXPSYCHO) - 11/05/97 03:23:07
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/2751
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: gay
Great web page! Thanks for becoming a member of the Texas Pride Ring!

Dan Day - 10/01/97 22:33:14
G/L/B?: None
Nice Page Darrel. I think you did a great job ofwritng. Keep improving the home page...

ALISSA - 09/27/97 21:56:49
My Email:[email protected]
nice snakes

James Blake - 09/14/97 07:44:48
My Email:[email protected]
great site i have enjoyed learning that i wasnt the only one with some of these feelings

Carl - 09/07/97 03:46:35
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/8448
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Gay! and Proud
Seemed like as much email as we've exchanged I should sign the book too.. Take care

Kelly Holmes - 08/30/97 13:51:15
My URL:/collegepark/2639/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: nope...straight...but bi-curious ;-)
Great page :) I loved reading about you. Congratulations on coming out to your dad. It must feel great to be able to be yourself finally. Hang in there and keep up the good work!


Clinton Christian - 08/21/97 00:25:05
My Email:[email protected]
G/L/B?: Bi . . . I think . . .
You have a very nice, very helpful and insightful web page! Keep up with the good work!

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