Tribute to My Love

The first time I saw you, I knew you would change my life forever.
I watched you get out of your car and my blood started to boil.
I felt that I recognized you from past lives together
and felt the passion and heat that followed us
through the centuries from the beginning of time.
I thought I must not let you know how I felt at that first meeting,
but you recognized me too.
We came together in a whirlwind of light and passion
that took us to worlds never explored,
to a higher plane, to a place long forgotten,
but that I will remember for the rest of this life.

I felt a deep sadness within you and and offered to help.
You asked me to make you a woman.
I said I would take you wherever you wanted to go.
You said I was your fantasy woman,
everything you had been looking for.
With all the skill I could draw upon, I tried to fulfill your desire.
Using makeup, wigs and sexy clothes,
I brought forth the most beautiful woman who ever walked this earth.
I felt the power
of having reversed nature's mistake.
You should have been born a woman,
you were a woman.
My woman, my creation, my love.

But your fear of the closeness,
your fear of being hurt by love,
as you had been so many times before,
made you push me away from you.
And so, your fear of loss becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
and each time you walk away from me,
without ever saying goodbye,
I become an empty shell filled with pain
and the memories of desire.

Oh, Goddess, how many lives must I live before finding again that passion for which I long,
that other soul who is forever a part of me.

� 1997 D.E. White

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