About Me

Currently I am single, live in Livingston, TN. I am 43 years old, 6'4" tall, weigh 280 lbs. I have short dark blond hair with some grey, blue eyes, mustache, and a goatee. My hobbies are music, reading, swimming, hiking, and the Net.

I am a laid back, easy going guy. I am very much into honesty. I hate lies and liars! I have an off the wall sense of humor. I love to laugh and have fun times. I drink socially but don't take drugs, although I do smoke.

My Bio

I was born on July 16, 1957. I am the youngest of four children. I have 2 brothers and a sister. They ranged in ages from 13-16-20 when I was born. It's as if I have more than the standard 2 parents, I have 5, because they all bossed me around. My parent's adopted my niece, Donna, when I was 7. We are very close, she is more like a sibling to me than the older ones. I love my family, but they don't accept nor approve of my being Gay. My sister wrote me a letter to tell me that she vomited after I came out to her. (I was really grateful she shared that tidbit with me.) It's not like one can change or pick his sexual preference as many heterosexuals seem to think. If I could choose, I would choose straight because it has to be easier than being Gay. But since I cannot choose, I have accepted the fact that I am Gay, I fought it for 27 years, it wouldn't go away. So, I accepted it and I have been much happier since I did. My family is very religious!

Religion according to Mykee

I have yet to meet my "Mr. Right." I know he is out there and will make an appearance in my life when it's time.

I was born in and grew up in Livingston, I always knew I was different, and growing up here, I noticed that "Thou shalt not be different!" I escaped from here more than once. I lived in Nashville for 5 years, then in Athens, GA for 6 years, then Atlanta, GA for 2 years before returning here at the request of my parents. They are elderly and I decided to come back here for them.
What a culture shock! I grew up here, knew that it sucked, but I had forgotten just how much. Within 4 months of moving back, thanks to the stress of moving and changing jobs, plus my boyfriend moving to Arizona without me. I had a stroke during a medical procedure. It was sheer hell, I often wished that I had died. But I managed to keep a positive attitude about it. As a result of a good attitude and lots of work, I have recovered almost 100%.

Currently, I am pretty much trapped here. But tiring of it rapidly! I made a commitment to my parents after they took me in from the stroke, that I would stay around in this area, in case they need me, so I'm currently living in their basement while getting vocational rehabilation and will eventually be a PC Techie. I found out that corporate America stress contributed to the stroke, and have decided that "Corporate America Sucks" I will not go back there, I will starve first!

Livingston is ok. There are some very good looking men here, unfortunately most are straight. =( The crime rate is low here, I haven't been robbed here, and I did get robbed in the city. The scenery is beautiful. Dale Hollow Lake is nearby. It's awesome there. This would be the ideal place to live with a lover. Maybe someday! I keep hoping! I had been devoting a lot of my time to helping get a case reopened of my friend Vickie, who died mysteriously in 1976 and the case was never solved! The case has been reopened, her remains were exhumed on 05/27/00 and reburied today, 08/10/00, her case will be discussed on the Discovery Channel in Dec. 2000, exact time and date tba. Check it out: Vickie an unsolved mystery