The new album will be called 'Yield', and is slated for a Feb. 3, 1998 release. Check out the Rumor Pit for more details. The only tour info is for Maui on Feb. 20 and 21, but no particular place has been announced.

One of the Saturday Night Live's with PJ will be re-shown on Nov. 26 on Comedy Central. Thanks to Rock-on-TV

PJ will be opening up for the Rolling Stones on Nov. 14, 15, 18, and 19 in Oakland, CA.

The Pearl Jam Mailing list, Garden of Stone, is back. See HERE to join.

I'm not sure if the Bootleg Discography is up to date. If you have a CD boot, add it to the database

. It's still a little rough around the edges, so please be patient. Before you add one, make sure it isn't already on the list.

Tours and Tickets

I'll post any tour dates as soon as I get them. (that includes Canada and Europe and South America and North America and Asia and the Middle East and Saturn)

Most recent list of tour dates



Pearl Jam, by Lance Mercer, Spin , 12/9, ~ 224 Kbytes Belly up: Eddie defies gravity, Portland, OR. Group picture from Alive CD, ~213 Kbytes
Alive CD cover
Alive guy from inside Alive CD
Group from Pearl Jam Recorded Versions Guitar book for Ten, by Lance Mercer.
Eddie Vedder onstage in San Francisco, Goldmine tree, donated by Matt Robinson, ~554 Kbytes
Cover of Time magazine with EV, donated by Matt Robinson ~ Kbytes
Another picture from Time, with the whole band, donated by Matt Robinson, ~
Ten CD cover
Vs. CD cover
Vitalogy CD cover
Singles CD cover
A postcard from the Ten Club.
Mother Love Bone
Alive Promo CD cover
Christmas '91 vinyl cover

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