********** FACTS EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW **********
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- It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, in every single study, that openly gay people ARE NO MORE HAPPY THAN NON-OPENLY GAY PEOPLE. In fact, unfortunately so, most gay people are shown to live quite unhappy existences, in general. Open or non-open. In otherwords, homosexuals are usually unhappy people DISPITE whether they are open about their sexuality or NOT. Reason unknown. Be scrupulous of the many myths spreading around in this respect. THEY ARE NOT FOUNDED IN FACT.

* 80% of "any" population is BISEXUAL, be it Eskimo, Asian, African, European, American Indian, Hispanic, Polynesian, etc.[KINSEY REPORT TO CONGRESS] However, the "degree" of bisexuality within any individual can vary from person to person. Ex: A person can be attracted to their own gender perhaps 75%, and to the opposite gender 25%. Another person may be attracted to their own gender 3%, and to the opposite gender 97%. It can vary wildly from person to person.

- A person's sexuality, and proclivities thereof, can change [morphology] throughout the person's lifetime. What really turns you on now, may change to something else in 5-10 years.

1.) The "Characteristic-Trait" homosexual,
2.) The "Base-Line" homosexual.

The "Characteristic-Trait" homosexual has the roughest time. They have "many" of the genetic switches that describe the homosexual "turned on" (activated). This category of homosexuality is usually the steroetypical (limp-wristed, swishy, nelly, queenly, lispy, effeminate) brand of homosexual. These homosexuals, especially as children, encounter special considerations! There can be much misery due to teasing, [(neglect/rejection) See studies by: KENNETH DODGE], ostrasization, and torment simply because these children are perceived as "different". Most people still wrongly believe that it is the person's "own fault" that he/she is this way, and you will still hear this statement liberally used during discussions about the topic even today. However, THIS IS A MYTH, homosexuality is "inate" (inborn) in the person born with it, THEY HAVE NO CHOICE IN THEIR SEXUALITY. Only education can slowly correct the myth ("own fault"). Also, for a "Characteristic-Trait" homosexual, THERE IS NO CLOSET, AND THERE NEVER WILL BE! The very use of the term "closet" is a misnomer for "Characteristic-Trait" homosexuals. In this type of homosexual, just simple "observation" by any "reasonably prudent" individual, of the person, will reveal that he/she is homosexual. Therefore, with this type of homosexual there is no closet, and if there was it would be a very TRANSPARENT CLOSET INDEED! Therefore, with "Characteristic-Trait homosexuals" it is just the matter of "accepting their own homosexuality to themselves". And this, erroneously, is often wrongly refered to as "coming out" [of the closet]. In reality, it can mostly only amount to "admitting it to oneself."

On the OTHER HAND, the second form of homosexuality is the "Base-Line" homosexual. With this brand of homosexual there is AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY! AND EVERYONE SHOULD NOTE THIS WELL, E S P E C I A L L Y CHILDREN, WHO ARE JUST STARTING OUT IN LIFE! A "Base-Line" homosexual has few (if any) of the comprising genetic homosexual switches turned on (activated). With them, usually the only homosexual genetic switch turned on is the one(s) that account for the singular attraction to their own sex. In other words, they simply find their own sex erotically attractive. BUT THEY DO NOT POSSESS THE "OTHER" characteristics of the biogenic homosexual (little to none). They have little (if any) of the commonly stereotyped limp wrists, lisps, gait, swishyness, nellyness, queenliness, effeminism, etc. The ONLY thing that characterizes THEIR homosexuality, is that single attraction to their own sex. THAT'S IT. THEREFORE, THERE IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SET OF CIRCUMSTANCES FOR THIS BRAND OF HOMOSEXUAL. AND THIS SHOULD BE NOTED SERIOUSLY BY THOSE WHO ARE THIS BRAND. This brand of homosexual, INDEED "DOES" HAVE A CLOSET! But they need never "disclose" their sexuality to anyone. THEY DON'T HAVE TO!!! Know one would ever know! People could "GUESS" all they wanted to (perhaps because they never see them with the opposite sex, whatever), BUT BOTTOM LINE IS THAT THEY WOULD STILL BE GUESSING. ITS JUST A GUESS TO THEM UNLESS THEY "ACTUALLY" SEE THE BASE-LINE HOMOSEXUAL IN ACTION WITH SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX, OR UNLESS THE BASE-LINE HOMOSEXUAL ACTUALLY "INFORMS" THEM (discloses) of their actual sexuality. PERIOD! Homosexuals of this brand can have the "best" of both worlds! Therefore they can be much less unhappy than a "Characteristic-Trait" homosexual. UNFORTUNATELY, the current mainstream visible gay community tends to lump ALL homosexuals into one basket with their rhetoric. By instructing ALL homosexuals to "come out of the closet", "gay pride", etc., they do not afford the possible benefits of Base-Line homosexuality. I have a BIG problem with this. Realistically, unless one is a great expositionist with something to prove, no one needs to have their romances, affections, or erotic practices observed by others anyway. ONE DOES NOT OWE PEOPLE THE TRUTH ABOUT PRIVATE MATTERS. EVER! No matter what the "mainstream gay cult" (visual homosexual community) tells you! It is a matter of personal choice. A choice that one should make very slowly, considerately, and carefully, E S P E C I A L L Y if you ARE A CHILD or ADOLESCENT! I specialize in Child/Adolescent Abnormal Developemental Psychology, and I see countless kids get messed up with the MGC "mainstream gay cult". Remember, ONCE YOU "DISCLOSE" YOUR SEXUALITY ITS PRETTY TOUGH TO REVERSE IT. ITS A ONE WAY STREET. And once you "disclose" [come out], I've noted over and over again, that these kids (or adults for that matter) get stuck with "mainly" being acceptable to "other" open-gays for friendships and alliances. They get trapped in this "circle". In essence, they close-off many other opportunities for advancement or making "other types" of friends. They get "aculturated" into the "mainstream gay cult", and this is where they are doomed to stay. For some, this is acceptable, BUT OTHERS SHOULD THINK LONG AND HARD FIRST! The politically-driven "mainstream gay cult", of coarse, will push hard to get ALL gays to join them in their beliefs, behaviors, philosophy, life-style, etc. They have little to lose, since they are mostly "Characteristic-Trait" homosexuals. I myself have been gay a long time, and I have been formally studying that culture for a long time. THINK HARD! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT.

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