Welcome to My World!~S~


"Greater love no one hath that they dedicate their lives to the welfare of others"

Weclome to my little world!~S~

Some of you have met me, in a variety of chat rooms on the internet. Currently, my home chat site is Chatlantis, and I don't plan on moving for some time to come.

I'm a BDSM lifestylist... Though in real life, I switch from Dominant to submissive roles as the shared desires of my real life partners and I dictate, I am primarily Dominant.

A tagline you will see that I wear in almost every chat room I venture into, is "Life is NOT a challenge, it's an ADVENTURE."

Nothing could be more true. There are probably a hundred ways to say it... but it's still the truth. We're all given a finite amount of time in which to make something of ourselves. To make our mark in life and experience all the beauty we can. To make a difference to people, if we choose to. If we don't choose to, one thing's for sure... We're still going to make some kind of difference... the only question is what KIND of difference.

I hope when all is said and done, that my son and future children can look at my life, and use it as a good example of living. I'm sure not perfect, and I've made my share of mistakes, with the most magnificent of them surely yet to come, but I know there are some good things that have come of my life. The best of those things, is the people I love, the job I've grown to cherish, and the beliefs that have given me something worthy to base my life on.

The best is yet to come... Check out the rest of my homepage to take a look at the person behind the handle "PGabby".

E-mail me at
[email protected]

Thanks to ShadowArtist for the graphics and the tutoring in web design, that make this something more than just a mess of HTML.