Some Sappy Advice On Love

Love yourself first.
Your relationship with yourself is the central template from which all other relationships are formed.
Loving yourself is a prerequisite to creating successful and authentic relationships.
How you perceive and treat yourself is how others will perceive and treat you.

Partnering is your choice.
The choice to be in a relationship is up to you.
You have the ability to attract your beloved and create the relationship you desire.

Creating love is a process.
Moving from "I" to "we" requires a shift in perspective and energy.
Being an authentic couple is an evolution.

Relationships provide opportunities to grow.
Your relationship will help you will learn about yourself and how you can grow on your own path.

Communication is essential.
The open exchange of thoughts and feelings is the lifeblood of any relationship.

Negotiation is required.
There will be times when you and your partner must work through impasses.
If you do this consciously and respectfully, you will learn to create win-win outcomes.

Your relationship will be challenged by change.
Life presents twists and turns along the way.
How you handle those obstacles will determine the success of your relationship.

Nurture your relationship so it will thrive.
Treasure your beloved and your relationship will flourish.
Avoid taking your love for granted; devote time, energy, and attention to your connection.

Renewal is the key to longevity.
"Happily ever after" means the ability to keep the relationship fresh and vital
through humor, imagination, and spontaneity.

Great sex with a beautiful man is great sex with a beautiful man.
But it does not keep the heart or bed very warm for very long unless there is more.

Friendships usually last much longer than relationships.
Never give up friends for a man.

There is nothing wrong with "just" a goodnight kiss.

If something is important enough to bother you,
it is important enough to communicate that it bothers you.
"Collecting" grudges and hurts can only hurt a relationship.

Let the man you love know how much you care about him in a small way every day.

If your date/boyfriend/husband wants to be alone or left alone, give him some space.
Do not be a "smother mother"; it will only drive him away.

"Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real."
Iris Murdoch

"Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within."
James Baldwin

"Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction."
Antoine de Saint-Exup�ry

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