Brandi's getawy

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visitor I have had since 12-5-97

I guess you are wondering why this page is here. Well Let me tell you about myself first, and then this page might make sense.My name is Brandi, which of course is not my real name, and I am 20 years old. I am a guy who from all apperences is normal. I am NOT gay, and I'm not a pervert, but I do enjoy dressing in women's apperal. You are probally wondering how I got started in this now. Well i reckon it started when I was about 5 or 6, I was the younges of my family, and the only boy, that was under the age of 15, so all of my cousins dressed me up in there clothes and I guess that I liked them enoufgh to continue wearing them when ever I got the chance. I have purged may times, but it does me no good because I allways lose my resolve and start buying stuff again. At one time I had a good assortment of clothes, but because of some stuff my mom and dad said, I tried to get rid of Brandi once again. But like the times before, I found that is impossible to get rid of part of my personality. As of right now my parents do not know of Brandi's exestince, or of my dressing habits. they have found some of Brandi's clothes in my room before, but they thought they belonged to my girlfriend. There have been a few of my girlfriends that have known about Brandi, and of them acepted her as a prt of me.

I will be adding more as I get time.

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