About This Page

On July 15th, 1997, the heavens parted and God proclaimed, "Thou shalt create a web page and call it 'The Freedom Kissers!' There you shall teach the infidels how to accept!" Well...actually...maybe that's not EXACTLY how it happened... To tell the truth, the idea hit us like a breeze of smog as we pranced around in the muddy banks of the Clark Fork river. Yet from these humble beginnings, the Freedom Kissers have taken off with remarkable speed!

Fugitive Freedom Boy is a sixteen year old submissive sex-puppy who enjoys, in order of preference, other cuddly boys, his computer, cuddly boys, music, the outdoors, mountain biking, cuddly boys, programming, cooking, making people gasp and stare, cuddly boys, and talking about himself in the third person. He is responsible for all the coding on this site. His best friend is the sexy Sappho Solipsist who has been responsible for making this page semi-enjoyable to read. She's a most confusable-type chick, also 16, and dejectedly single. Though all the orchestration, innovation, preparation and sanitation is provided by Fugitive Freedom Boy, the Sappho Solipsist retains the happy privilege of sharing FTP space with her idol and mentor.

Long time fans of public indecency, the authors hope to foster mass hysteria and the complete pulverization of traditional family values. We greatly appreciate any and all contributions from the deviate population for the furtherment of our cause!

Fugitive Freedom Boy and the Sappho Solipsist can be contacted in respect to this page at [email protected]!