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Transgender Society of Alberta

The Illusion Royalty VII

June 1997 - June 1998

From left to right: 2nd Princess VII Chris/tina,
Empress VII Rachel, Empress VI Michelle, 1st Princess VII Dana

I was proud and thrilled to be elected to the Illusion Royalty at the VII Annual Illusion Birthday Party in June 1997. Soon after I moved to the USA to attend graduate school at Brown University in Rhode Island. However, Empress VII Rachel appointed me Illusion Ambassador in Perpetuity. I am not sure whether this has kept me in or out of trouble! But I have worked hard to fulfill my responsibilities, and I have enjoyed every moment!

The Illusion Transgender Society occupies a special place in my heart. It is where I arrived, terrified and uncertain, when I decided to leave my closet. The members there welcomed me with open arms, and I felt at home from day one. Along the way, I made some special, life-long friendships that I will always cherish. My experience with the Society helped convince me that coming out was one of the smartest things I ever did in my life.

The Illusion Transgender Society has several hundred members, mainly in Calgary, Edmonton, and rural Alberta. But there are also members across Canada, as well as in Australia, and, of course, the United States. The Society provides a network of contacts among its members, and is a friendly, safe, and discrete atmosphere for transgendered persons. The Society has proven to be an important center for many transpersons as they come to terms with their gender identities.

In Calgary, the group meets twice monthly for socials and seminars. The facilities include an extensive library of books, magazines, and videos on transgenderism, a dressing and make-up room, and an excellent private club for get-togethers. Located right next door are two businesses, Lingerie by Barbie, and B and B Leather, which actively support the Society and provide custom clothing for transgendered persons.

To view pictures of some past and present Royalty at Illusion
just follow the links below

[ Ambassador in Perpetuity | Empress VIII Jodee | First Princess VIII Diane | Second Princess VIII Tanya ]

[ First Princess VII Dana | Empress VI Michelle | Second Princess VI Christine Rose | Empress V Teri ]

Many pictures of other Illusion Royalty are unavailable at present. They will be posted when possible.

If you are an Illusion member and would like your pic added

Please contact me here!

You can find the Illusion Transgender Society at:

6802 Ogden Road, SE,
Calgary, Alberta,
Canada T2C 1B4

Phone 403-236-7072
FAX 403-275-6443

Visit the Illusion Transgender Society on the Web

This page was last on September 9, 1998

Your comments and suggestions are welcome!

Please email me here!

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