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Selected Writings:

Poetry, Prose, Songs and Reflections

new year's eve blues

strange bed partners
come and go.
but, for tonight, it seems
i am saddled with eternity.

it rides me like a tyrant;
sensuous, but kinky,
smacking of s & m
(the ones that melt in your mouth
and not in your hand).

like i was saying,

it ain't shy
of showin' me to the whip,
though flesh trembles
and spirit sags.

from dust to guts to nothingness,
you know.


it shows me the sights
and nothing else is that honest.
it introduces me to friends
as "x" -- the unknown factor.

but late at night,
when all the banalities
of public intercourse are done,
it takes me to bed,
and presses me to cold, hard flesh.

� Chris Frazer, 1980

This page was last on August 25, 1998

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