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Closets are for Clothes

Friends are Forever

What to say about Sonya?

The Queen of the pool table at the Midnight Cafe in Calgary, and a long-time member of the Illusion Transgender Society.

When I decided to attend my high school reunion in July 1997, Sonya was one of the first people I talked to. She hails from Salmon Arm, a small town in British Columbia. Sonya attended her high school reunion when she began her transition a few years ago.

A gutsy lady, warm, and caring. Sonya gave me lots of great advice on what to expect and how to handle myself. She was right on the money on every score, and helped me believe I could do it.

On my visit to Calgary in July 1998, I learned that Sonya finally received approval for sex-reassignment surgery. It couldn't happen to a nicer person!

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