Welcome to my Guestbook!

RENEE - 10/20/99 07:15:18


- 10/15/99 22:56:15


liquecole - 10/04/99 15:47:36
My Email:[email protected]

Just found your page this morning by accident. I like. I am gonna tell my sistah friends.

Azul Dancer - 10/03/99 02:50:29
My Email:[email protected]

Thank you for a Sapphic place for Sisters!

aybri - 09/26/99 19:13:44
My Email:[email protected]

Black is beauty

Nan - 08/27/99 17:06:33
My Email:[email protected]

I really like you web page. There should be more like it.

shellnow - 07/03/99 16:55:43
My Email:shellnow@My Delphi.com

Thank you and i realy enjoyed my visit i thought it was really cool to feel soooo at home :):) Have a great day xxooxxoo

valeria reavis - 07/03/99 00:34:47
My Email:[email protected]

I love your website! keep up the positive work you're doing!

Diane - 06/10/99 18:10:41
My Email:[email protected]

I love what you have done with this site, and for women of color! Every one needs a voice!

Gaddy - 06/06/99 03:04:06
My Email:[email protected]

Great page!

KARRUUM-EL - 05/10/99 15:31:32
My URL:http://therighttrack.com
My Email:[email protected]

just thought i'd say greetins(raahubaat)are you familiar with US?(NUWAUBIANS)

- 05/03/99 07:22:59


Andrea Purcell - 04/29/99 08:32:30
My URL:http://www0.delphi.com/apurcell
My Email:[email protected]

I am so very glad I found your site. I have lived in LA for 3 years and haven't really found a community where being a woman of color is truely a part.

Ben Adams - 04/18/99 03:47:06
My URL:http://www.mediawarpcomics.com
My Email:[email protected]

Thanks for visiting my Delphi Forum. I really enjoyed looking at your site. Keep up the good work! Ben Adams writer of PRISONOPOLIS www.mediawarpcomics.com

myra henning - 03/31/99 23:30:24
My Email:www.tsu.com

i just love this website

lisa - 03/25/99 06:38:13
My URL:http://goplay
My Email:[email protected]

I think this is the best lesbian site for women of color I've seen yet. Keep up the good work.

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 18:17:21

Ich denke, daß Sie Seite interessant sind. Ich fand sie durch Unfall auf GeoCities. Wievielen Monaten haben Sie GeoCities verwendet? Lebe wohl.

Treila - 03/22/99 03:01:51
My Email:[email protected]


Micki - 03/20/99 17:06:18
My Email:[email protected]

Powerful site you've created. New lesbian dating service business forming in Detroit and would love to find out more information from you.

Terri - 01/16/99 13:20:16
My URL:/westhollywood/park/6592
My Email:[email protected]

I loved your site. I think ALL sisters no matter the race should stick together and unite. Keep up the great work.

Maigheach de Ogilvie - 01/07/99 09:36:17
My URL:/westhollywood/village/7645/
My Email:[email protected]

Hmm.. a wondering scot in sheeps clothing, ventured here, and found himself quite comfortable in yer wee hoose. The site is is worth the return trip. Though I disagree on the Pooh. It nae lad or lassie, Pooh has always been something in the mind who excee ed the reason of the sexual gender. Cheers!

Lynn - 01/06/99 21:06:06
My Email:[email protected]

From what I was able to view in a short period of time, really enjoyed your page.

lesha g. - 12/11/98 01:41:42
My URL:http://none
My Email:[email protected].

im a poetry lover i like to see more how about wedding vows.

NubianSoftButch - 12/04/98 05:38:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/NubianSoftButch
My Email:[email protected]

nice to know there are otha positive sistas out there....keep on keepin on...peace love and mo hair grease... nsb

Gladys "Chinq" Brown - 11/20/98 17:13:14
My Email:[email protected]

I just checked out your site, and it is all that. Keep up the good work. You are sorely needed. I'm doing research on Black Gay Sistahs and their contributions to our (gay) herstory. Know any good links? Feel free to e me anytime. Much Love, Chinq

Lara "Half Pint" Ballard - 11/09/98 05:27:27
My Email:[email protected]

Holler if ya if you hear me! I was very excited to find your site. Please e- mail me sometime so we can chat. SEE ya!

Lady Di - 10/30/98 18:36:55
My Email:[email protected]

I'm new at this computers,and I'd like to find out

cynthia - 10/14/98 15:35:09
My Email:[email protected]

i enjoyed your site very much. i am from philly and am interested in making contacts throughout the united states. e-mail me at [email protected]

LaStarra - 10/13/98 22:19:08
My URL:http://Forth coming
My Email:[email protected]

E, I wish you all the best that this life has to offer you. I pray that the sun will always rise for you, and that every hill stand to greet you. May life always be sweet. And when you do need a friend, I am always here. Thanks for the shout out.

LaStarra - 10/12/98 16:56:08
My Email:[email protected]

I really enjoyed your site. I am in the process of making my own Lesbian with a few bells & whistles, and I wanted to stop by to see what a sistah like yourself was doing. Must say, I am very impressed, but more than that I have a lot of respect in what y u had to say, and the things you are doing. Keep on bringing it on sistah. To one sistah to another. Peace. LaStarra

Muffy - 10/03/98 19:18:55
My URL:/westhollywood/park/3367
My Email:[email protected]

You Bring up a good question about Pooh, I never really thought about it before. I'll have to get back to you on that :)

Frank - 08/28/98 22:19:25
My Email:[email protected]

You have an intersting site.

Princess Tam Tam - 08/28/98 18:04:20
My URL:/athens/delphi/4340
My Email:[email protected]

Girrrrl!!! I am Luvin' your site and your lovely insights! Say It My Sistah! I look forward to reading more of your work. peace xxo princess tam tam

Debra Peterson - 08/20/98 14:59:37
My Email:[email protected]

A provocative and invaluable site. I look forward to seeing more.

Unique Woman - 08/15/98 18:39:52
My URL:http://www.msu.edu/~burroug3
My Email:[email protected]

This is a great and colorful site. I will be back again to check out more of your links. Nice to "meet" you.

Nikki - 08/11/98 16:44:28
My Email:[email protected]

I like the homepage.

- 07/29/98 04:08:38


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