About Transsexuality
December 1999 - Jan 2000

Typically, gender roles have been based on biological sex at birth. This means boys become men and girls become women. These roles are determined, for the most part by socity and are placed on the individual at birth regardless of an individual's true inner feelings. A transsexual is a person who psychologically identifies with the opposite sex. Transsexuals have a strong and persistent feeling of 'being in the wrong body'. A male transsexual has a need to live as a woman. Female transsexuals need to live as men. The clinical term for transsexuals is Gender Dysphoria which means that the gender identity enforced by society on the basis of biological sex at birth causes 'dis-comfort' and stress of one's own idenity. Typical transsexuals become aware of their feelings in early childhood. Some may choose to deal with the issue all their life until mid-life. Many Transsexuals 'come-out' in their late 30's and 40's. Those that transition mid-life often face the challenges of maintaning established family relationships and the possible loss of good paying jobs. Although exact figures are not known, it appears that transsexuals occur in approximately one in 35,000 males and one in 100,000 females world wide. In recent years, the incidence of female transsexuals appears to be approaching equality with that of males. Often transexuals face guilt, depression, stress, low self esteem--isolation from family and friends-ridicule, harassment, and job-discrimination. This often happens because of the lack of understanding and acceptance of the public. Female transsexuals are no less the victims of sexist ideology and discrimination even from other women.

~ Jan

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