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Just a little bit about my life:

I was born (14.03.1972), grow up and live in Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.

I began to play the violin at the age of 9. I played in different orchestras. With 7 years I started to swim. I stopped it in 1990 and started in the same year with waterpolo. I'm still playing waterpolo and I like it very much.

I studied  teaching for primary school, with the subjects mathe and german at the University of Essen, and music at the Folkwang Musiccollege Essen. I finnished my study in 1996. Then I did one year of study teaching and stopped it (here do you need 2 years). Afterwards I worked for a few month  for a schoolbook publishing house.
Also in the meanwhile i studied economic science at the FernUniversit�t Hagen.
Now I'm a programmer, something very different.


Map of Germany

Linkside to a few cities


For those who are interested in a picture of me, please visit my photo-side.

Or try to read this in a better version on my Deutsch-side.

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� Barbara Vanik 04.06.00  Mailbox.gif (1210 Byte)[email protected]