The Changling

Nihil erat novum sub sole,

Angry, depressed, empty and lonely.

Thoughts cascading,

Sins engraving memories in your soul, eternal...

The time has come to the season, vernal

But your skull is frozen.

You thought you knew them

but the truths escape your grasp.

Therefore, do not ask,

"Who was I? What will I be?"

For you are the Changeling, eternally...

Sanity answers not to blame.

Live a free life, whether man or wife

for tomorrow never comes....

and everything is new, under the sun...

Talk about self-indulgent pomposity!! I wrote this during a college latin class. We had just translated "Nihil erat novum sub sole" which means "Nothing is new under the sun." Sounded like a great start for a poem. I was just coming out, but not really. I didn't truly come out until after college. I saw this piece as one of rebirth, casting off the old "straight" beliefs and starting a new "gay" life...There are times when I'm lazy and need to be reminded that to be bored is to be dead.