Heaven Knew....

Heaven knew the heroes would fall and the lovers would have their day. The angels spoke, and by Destiny's hand were we shown the Way. The stars questioned "Why?" and in infinite wisdom, answered the Sun, "Mortal Man will not forever remain as one..."

So, the Gods sent Love of Men on Winds, chaste and pure. But the Darkness shrieked of our sins against Nature. Yet, my heart says it goes against my nature not to take the Love of Man...And so, our eyes are blinded and bodies battered by the blowing sands...Sands of hatred, Sands of Time, Sands of Ignorance, tearing your hand from mine.

Drenched are we by our tears, salty and warm...as we stand here to face the Wind and the Storm. All seems lost...and yet, a rainbow appears through a mist of despair. It was the belief we shared in each other that made the deluge easier to bear.

For no water fallen, nor any wind blown, could ever erode the fields where our seeds of love are sown. And whenever out Spring arrives with the melting of the Snows...then will the Love of Men shine with God's Glory...When will that be?...

heaven knows...

If nothing else, college gave me writing fodder. "Heaven knew" is a line (probably one of the shortest) from War and Peace. This, too, was at a time when all I could think about was being gay. I tried to find some acceptance in the basic tenets of life. With faith, I hoped that one day, acceptance would come....