K i n g d o m

The throne you have chosen rules the man and the crown you wear masks the pauper inside. Not a command you speak, for yours is a silent realm. Your subjects are thyself, solitary. You have no Queen, for it is a man's rule. There are no princes to continue you line....so when the shadows fall, so does thy kingdom...

Armies, of thousands strong, can not pass the moat of ice and snow surrounding the castle of your heart. Jester though I am, I've enough sense to see that a Keep without a drawbridge is like a lock with no key. There is no treasure so priceless, no heart too fragile or weak, to be be denied to the wonder of the world.

And so, my lord, the fool who can not make you laugh, asks for a truce to end this civil war within your heart...for this servant is becoming a King, himself.

Preachy, preachy! I wrote this one for a guy I "dated" when i first came out...he seemed interested at first, but was so absorbed in how unhappy he was with his life, there wasn't room for much else. Of course, he was quite a bit older than I was....maybe that was it....