"Yum....Yum....Yum...." ~tattoobear~

A long time ago, I read in one of those "magazine articles," that we either want to BE the perfect man, or HAVE the perfect man...that that is what we strive for...I consider myself to be a normal guy...And I know how often I think about men and sex and passion and masculinity and butchness...If only I could get paid for that time.....LOL...

The other day, I met a man who was a friend of a friend of mine. He has a perfect muscular body, perfect white teeth, a face that would be on a Greek statue. Heck, he could BE a Greek Statue. We talked and I found that we had similar situations. People thought him to be conceited and stuck up, UNAPPROACHABLE because of his classic good looks and great body. And although I have a "particular and unique" look, some find me attractive even though my body could use some tightening, YET they find me UNAPPROACHABLE.

Personally, I tend to look at men and take them all in, physical, mental, emotional/spiritual. If I find something in them that I feel I lack, it is comforting to have them in my life, real or imagined. It is almost like I borrow that trait for a while, making myself more whole....a better man...or perhaps, they receive something they need from me: an objective point of view, a kind word, cutting through their BS, a friend to talk to...

More specifically, I look at their face, their eyes, their smile...Men do not have to be classically handsome for me to be attracted to them....Many of you will agree with me when I say that if a man is a great kisser and I can look into his eyes for hours.....well, then, WOOF. The men below are an example of this last statement...I have no idea who the guy on the left is or how to get ahold of him, but he exemplifies what can turn me to butter. Of course, he's a fireman too, so that helps.....And, the guy on the right is Ken Caminiti of the San Diego Padres....again, butter....

The men below represent to me, MALENESS, for whatever reason. They may be a lover, friend, virtual friend (e-mail and pic swapper), bar friend, trick, co-worker, customer, actor, sports figure, porn star, model, stranger, etc. Being who I am, I want to know who these guys are inside...what makes them who they really are, not the male icons society and I have made them. Putting the sexual attraction aside, I want to meet them and their lovers and take them shopping at Wal Mart to see what they will buy ... LOL ... I want to appreciate what makes them regular guys...









GOLDBERG....nuff said...