My wish for you

My wish for you is to experience...

Laughter, that you may show others joy

Hardship, that you may remember Life's Pains

Friendship, that you may find other to fill my shoes

Solitude, that you may find time for yourself

Fortitude, that you may travel the road ahead more easily

Pain, that you'll learn you are not a super man

Patience, that you may show other you care

Justice, that you might follow the right path

Injustice, that you may fight it and be glad for justice

Authority, that you may be a leader of people

Humility, that you may be a servant of humankind

My Prayer for you is short:

that God bless and keep you.

One of my first lessons of letting go of someone that I loved was with my best friend from high school. I wrote the above after I found out he had enlisted in the Marine Corps. At the time, I thought it was my biggest loss. The piece was one of those "I know so much about life and I'm passing some of it on to you..." poems. Sheeesh!! Originally I thought I wrote for others, but looking back on things, I think I was writing to myself more often than not...