Brighten up Sunshine...There is no time for sorrow.

Lighten up Sunshine...You pale in your own shadow.

Your rays should be golden...There is no place for the cloudy gray on a face that could beam so brightly into the hearts of men....a dark forsaken place.

Your warmth could thaw the coldest heart and melt the Winters of Discontent...but the Seasons come and go without your command...and you wonder where all the years went.

Searching among the billions of starry friends, you look for a familiar glimmer...but the Darkness hides that which you seek...and so you lose Hope and your light becomes dimmer...

But the ray you never sent, the Beam you never threw...could become the gleam of salvation...the one that would brighten you....

This is one that I really wrote for myself. I was depressed a lot. All my old close friends were gone or dead at this time. Knew a lot of people, but no true friends. Very alone....but did you ever get tired of yourself always being the same way and you wish you could step outside of yourself and give yourself a piece of you mind? Sounds crazy...but there is some good advice in there.