Charlottes Hair!

Charlottes hair is the place that I have to tell you about me! Great huh! just what you always wanted... WELL, here I go! By the way, don't mess with my hair...

In case you haven't already worked it out, I'm a cross-dresser. now that's not as bad as it sounds, I promise. I'm not one of these people who want to be a woman, I like being a man, I love beer and sports especially rugby! Go Hurricanes! I don't dress full-time (so don't ask!) in fact I don't dress often at all. If I do dress it's a special occasion. I like to wear a lot of different things. I have an extensive wardrobe, I love to shop for womens clothing, (Generally I hate shopping like most men)

...And don't forget "Don't mess with the hair"


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