Welcome to

Before you enter this site, I just wanted to warn you, whoever you are, that this is a Gay site. It is not for Bashers or Religious Zealots out to piss me off. I don't care what you're bible says. I'm Pagan and my Goddess says that Love is Natural no matter who you love.

It was created for the viewing pleasure of Gay Men and Women, or Str8 Men and Women who Love Gays.

If you fall into one of the categories above, here's what you'll find in my site: a completely original comic about a Gay Teenager and all the Drama in his life, Cool Pictures, Lots of Animated GIFs (cos, hey, admit it, they rock), all the information about me you could want, lots of webrings, and finally, Lots of Links to sites just as cool as mine!

Sound cool to you?

To enter the site, simply place your hand on the TouchStone, and you will be transported into Willy's World...