Hey Hey, Friends! BIG HUGE NEWS!!! I've recently gotten a new scanner and am in the process of Rescanning Every Panel! Plus I'm digitally re-editing them and adding more color and stuff!

And not only that but I'm starting Book 3 and it's coming along Quite Nicely!

Keep in mind I haven't scnned the whole thing yet so just take a look at the older stuff again and see what you think! I sincerely hope you like what I've done!

Hey all you loyal Willy Fans out there! I have finally updated the last chapter (unfortunately without pictures) so you can FINally read how book two ends and hear how I intend to carry the story over into a Third Book! Go there now! Go! Go Now and Read it! ... Unless you're new... In that case start at the beginning or you won't get it! ::grin::

I just want you guys to know how much I appreciate all the attention you've given this comic and this site. You are the reason I kept drawing Willy for so long. I hope to someday be able to work on him again and keep him going forever... Right now though I can't because my life is so hectic... But I promise you that I will never just drop Willy. That would be disrespectful of you all out there who have taken the time to let me know that my work is loved and that I am reaching people. So anyhoo, thanks again guyz...

Just a reminder to sign my guestbook...

Sign My Groovy Guestbook

Oh, and for whoever wrote the following entries in my guestbook:

"your comics suck ass and your gay gays are not cool its sick its like saying if a dog fucked another dog of the same gender you wont be accepted all gays are are a bunch of stupid fuckers that go and talk shit about sex with a man your gross and you should change your ways if not you will find yourself beaten on the floor for getting too frisky so change or ill see to it your dead like matt shepard as like that other guy said"

"so your a gay you are a fuckin piece of shit you will die just like your dead gay fucking dumbass homosexual hero matt shepard you will die ill see to it"

"fuck you gay ill kill you i know where you live"

"your a fucking ass wipe you gay asshole and you should die your a threat to people i think you should be killed and die and go to hell all gay people you are the devil you fucking wanker you jack off to goddamn men you fucking gay man so just get off the gay stuff and be normal you fucking fagget "


Well all I've gotta say is... Bring it Right The Fuck On! "Don't Come To The Gold Coast"?? I LIVE in Ventura California, my friend.

I am NOT Scared of you little spineless pussy Str8Boys! And How Dare You bring up Matthew Sheppard!!! It's people like you spineless shits that are the reason that poor guy is no longer with us and just Look where they are now! Rotting in JAIL getting their little Homophobic Assholes Reamed Out...

You think you scare me? Hah! Try me. I'm through being scared. So BUGGER OFF!!!

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Click on the banner below to enter Willy's World!

I only want to ask one teensy weensy favor, though: Please please please, do not take my artwork and pass it off as your own. I'm not saying I don't trust you or anything, but someday I hope to have this thing published and I don't wanna have to go to court and bring forward three years worth of original artwork and everyone who saw it as I was making it just to prove that it's mine... So please, if you like what you see and wanna see it later, bookmark my site, or, if you simply must, ABsolutely cannot live ONE SECOND LONGER without putting MY work on your site, make sure you credit ME as the author, illustrator and inventor of the strip... Otherwise, this could all end up as some big ol courtroom drama like on Judge Judy... Now do you want that? I didn't think so... Loves Ya, Smooches and Thanks!

And please Please Puh-Lease! Sign my guestbook... C'mon peoples! I need some feedback! I'll beg. I'll plead. I crawl on my hands and knees and be your slave for a few hours! Just Please sign my guestbook when you visit! Thank you!

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