Les Grande Duchies Welcome You To

Bay Bee's Bad Bad Online World

Hi y'all! I'm Bay Bee.

Welcome to my pad. For godsakes, please take yer coat off and stay awhile.
It's not much, but it's home. Just so's ya know, go-go auditions are still underway.
If yer sexy, you should apply. Sign Bay Bee's Book
to find out if you've got what it takes...or else! You're not getting any younger.
And, as Duchy Dave's mom, Phyllis always said, "It's not going to get any greener!"

Hey! While yer waiting for that dang rotating foto cube to load,
try and guess what was the #1 song exactly 25 years ago today.
Hint: A classy soul gal with a last name that's also a city in Rhode island teamed up with a classy soul group just this once.
Give up? Click and Duchy Dave'll tell ya what it was.
...and now, on with our countdown!

FYI, Bay Bee's got lots of swanky new fotos to post on the rotating cubes just as soon as Duchy Dave gets his ass in gear and uploads 'em. He got the scanner, finally, so you can see what the Duchies look like in 1999.
Didja know if you click on the cube funny things happen? Try it, you'll like it!

Smart shoppers shop at Bay Bee's Evil Department Store

OK, I gotta tell ya, the Duchies are still workin' on some of this...yeah, STILL!!... but check it out anyway, then check it out again later!

The sparkling witticisms of Duchy Dave's mom -- new ones added almost daily!-- plus some of her best recipes! Now featured: Phyllis's Famous English Muffin Pizzas!

OK, I admit, we don't change this anymore...but it's right one month out of every year!

The Duchies are gonna take you where you've never been before! Just not sure when exactly.

Other departments being added as we speak! Well ok, once in a very long while...actually, never, but it still could happen! Check back often.

Bay Bee's Birthday Pages
Now featuring: The Best of Bay Bee's Birthday Pages!

Duchy Dave's Chiquis, aka Vicente turns another year older pretty soon!

It's also Grande Duchy Jerod!.'s Birthday!!

But wait! As if all that's not exciting enuf...

Meet the Grand Duchies! Take one to lunch!

Duchy Dave X. Duchy Jerod !.

WIN a date Out on the Town with the Grand Duchies! No purchase necessary to enter. Just be the first to assemble a complete Duchy. For contest details, SIGN THE DAMN GUEST BOOK ALREADY and we'll send you all the rules and a Duchy Construction Kit. Collect the whole set! Trade with your friends! Here's another piece of one of 'em:

I'd like to solve the puzzle?

History Lesson

Bay Bee's had a long and sordid history, and the Grand Duchies'll tell ya all about it...LATER!! Just hold yer horses. For now, here's a relic from Bay Bee's first kidnap attempt. Guess what the chairs have to do with it and win a prize!

Where's Bay Bee Now?

We have a hard time keeping track of the Bee.
At last year's party, she was taken home by someone in this picture.
Since, she was nearly lost in Amsterdam, among other world capitals.

Who knows where she'll end up after this year's birthday party!!??

Coming soon, if we still feel like it: Le Grande Duchy Dating Service, where queers meet queers!
Bay Bee's Exclusive Chat House, including special rooms for go-go boys and royalty only!
WOW! It's all late, we know, but coming soon or maybe not so soon.
Hey, nos hablamos espanol
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