Welcome to the Matthew Shepard Update #3

Matthew Shepard Update #3, 10/16/98

Lambda Midwest Matthew Shepard Memorial

Lambda Midwest Memorial Page for Matthew Shepard: The First Update 10/13/98

Lambda Midwest Memorial Page for Matthew Shepard: The Second Update 10/15/98

Lambda Midwest Memorial Page for Matthew Shepard: The Fourth Update 10/16-30/98

Rodney A. Bell, II's Spiritual Perspective on Matthew Shepard

Matthew Shepard Picture Gallery

Matthew Shepard Poetry Garden

Matthew Shepard Update Discussion List Newly formed on 10/16/98 on onelist.com. Subscribe today and view the archives also!! Need an HTML fragment to get others to subscribe, email me:Rodney Allen Bell, II

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From: "R. A. Bell, II, B.A." <lovespirit@earthlink> Subject: Matthew Shepard: Update # 3 10/16/98 MEDIA ADVISORY

The Matthew Shepard Update is published as a public service every other day and a service of Lambda Midwest and the UNLGay/Lesbian Alumni/ae Assoc, Inc.To subscribe see below for instructions.Contact: Rodney Allen Bell, II (816) 931-2596 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, PLEASE!!! LAMBDA MIDWEST AND UNL GALA/AE, INC. [email protected] or [email protected]P.O. Box 45357 Kansas City, MO 64171 (816) 931-6829 MATTHEW SHEPARD UPDATE # 3 10/16/98 Sponsored by The UNL Gay/Lesbian Alumni/ae Assoc., Inc. and Lambda Midwest Corrections: The incident with the scare crow was not sponsored by the Fraterntiy we printed in our #2 edition, however, it was sponsored by the following orgs. at CSU Pi Kappa Alpha fraternityand Alpha Chi Omega sorority The sorority has lost their charter.

MEMORIALS AND VIGILS FOR MATT: ================================== Matthew's Funeral: Matthew's funeral will take place at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 701 W.Walcott, Casper, WY 82601 on Friday, Oct. 16, at 1:30 PM. This is the message that the Gay/Lesbian Union at U Wyoming gave to the students and faculty, inviting them to wear a yellow arm bad with three green circles at the top and bottom: The Green Circle is the international sign of peace. The yellow background is a symbol in the tradition of the yellow ribbons distributed in response to the Oklahoma City Bombing, speaking of the intolerance we have toward violence. Please display this ribbon, anywhere and everywhere, as an armband, on your backpack, etc., as a display of your intolerance of this disgusting, abhorrent act of incivility toward Matthew Shepard. We wear this armband in a unified, nonviolent demonstration of our values as UW students and the UW community against any and all acts of violence and disrespect toward any other human being. =================================== New List: Matthew Shepard Update on Onelist.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, PLEASE!!! Rodney A. Bell, II [email protected] (816) 931-6829


Name: MatthewShepardUpdate Category Culture | Gay

Description: The Matthew Shepard Update List is devoted to discussing the tragedy of Matthew Shepard's life, to update everyone who belongs to it on web sites, memorials, vigils, the aftermath and discuss the incidence of hate crimes in the Midwest and America. Matthew Shepard was a 21 year old gay college student who was murdered and died Monday 10/12/98. His murder was the result of a hate crime by two men who brutally beat him, tied him to a fence, tortured him and lit him on fire. The list can also discuss ways to memorialize Matthew, fund raising for his family, how to fight hate crimes, state and federal hate crime legislation and the personal/private life and public life of Matthew Shepard.

The list was created because: 1) There is a mass of information out there and a need for a rigid conduit, 2) It's a great way to archive what's going on and to "Never Forget", 3) It allows those of us who wish to express grief in various ways through stories, poetry, or whatever means one has to do so and posting to email lists can sometimes cathart emotions and 4) to discuss Matthew, his life, death, the Hate Crimes Prevention Act and hate crimes in the Midwest and America.Home Page: /westhollywood/stonewall/2178/shepard1.html Subscription URL The URL is: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/MatthewShepardUpdate To send email to the list, use the email address [email protected] list owner may be reached at [email protected] The List Owner would like a Co-List Owner, so email me if you're interested. If anyone wants HTML fragments for people to subscribe, email me or stop by the Lambda Midwest Memorial to Matthew Shepard: The First Update /westhollywood/stonewall/shepard1.html

Archive URL The URL is: http://www.onelist.com/archives.cgi/MatthewShepardUpdate

For the Matthew Shepard Update, Rodney Allen Bell, II, B.A [email protected] ================================= Matthew Shepard National Internet Virgil

Source: http://www.hrc.org/feature1/vigil2.html Matthew Shepard 1977 - 1998 National Vigil

MATTHEW SHEPARD'S MURDER A CALL TO END INTOLERANCE Death Comes as Religious Political Extremist Ad Campaign Ignites, Fuels Anti-Gay Climate, Elizabeth Birch asserts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1998 WASHINGTON -- The vicious murder of openly gay Matthew Shepard is emblematic of the deepest fears of America's gay and lesbian community, which is currently experiencing a period of intense backlash, the head of the largest national gay political organization said today. "Many of us who thought we were safe now know we are not," HRC Executive Director Elizabeth Birch said at a national vigil in memory of the slain University of Wyoming student. "We know that what happened to Matt Shepard could happen to any of us -- not only in Wyoming, but in California, in New York City, in Kansas -- anywhere. The hatred that killed Matthew Shepard does not respect geographic boundaries." Shepard's murder "did not occur in a vacuum," Birch said at the vigil in front of the U.S. Capitol. This crime happened at time when the lesbian and gay community is under siege by religious political activists, Birch said. "The leaders of these religious political organizations -- including Focus on the Family and its political offshoot, the Family Research Council; the Christian Coalition; Coral Ridge Ministries and a host of others -- have made a strategic political and economic decision to target gay men and lesbians," Birch said. "Their national advertising campaign strongly implies that gay people are defective, that we can and should change' our sexual orientation -- as if that were possible." Such ads -- now appearing on television across the country -- repeat myths and misinformation about gay people, ignite and then fuel a climate of intolerance that too frequently leads to violence, she said. "The ultimate victims are people like Matthew Shepard -- people who happen to step into the paths of individuals who are swayed by the messages of such ads and by the climate of intolerance that they foster and encourage," she said. "Because these organizations wear the cloak of Christianity,' some of the people who hear their messages mistakenly think they are being given some kind of religious permission to hate lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people." Shepard, 21, died Monday at a hospital in Fort Collins, Colo. He had been savagely beaten and left tied to a fence in Laramie, Wyo. He was found some 18 hours after the beating by passersby who thought his small, bruised body was a scarecrow. "Because [this murder] was so vicious, and because he was so physically small and vulnerable, his death was particularly shocking and has become a rallying point. But this is about a far bigger issue. It is about the thousands of anti-gay hate crimes that have been reported to authorities in this decade -- and these are only the tip of the iceberg," Birch said. She called on Congress to pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, a bill currently before Congress that would give federal authorities the power to investigate hate crimes based on sexual orientation. "I hope and pray that Matthew's death will not drive a single lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered person back into the shadows -- where the religious right would prefer we live," Birch added. "Rather, he should become a clarion call to every fair-minded person in this nation to stop this climate of hate, to stamp out anti-gay bigotry and intolerance wherever they see it." Take Action The Human Rights Campaign http://www.hrc.org ================================== Cathedral of St John the Divine announces Vigil for Matthew Shepard In New York CityPlease be sure to tell everyone you know about this and try to find a way toattend. the service will be quiet and prayerful.The Rt. Rev. Richard Grein, Episcopal Bishop of New York and the Dean of theCathedral Church of St. John the Divine wish to invite all to a vigil forMatthew Shepard on Tuesday, October 20th at 7:00 PM in the Cathedral, 1047Amsterdam Ave. (112th and Amsterdam), New York, NY. ================================== NYC March POLITICAL FUNERAL & MARCH FOR MATTHEW SHEPHARD.October 19, 1998, Monday, 6:00pmAssemble outside the Plaza Hotel at 59th Street & 5th Avenue for a marchdown 5th Avenue to Madison park (at 25th Street). We are taking themain thoroughfare so tourists and New Yorkers can bring home the message that lesbians and gays are outraged at the escalating anti-gay violence. Bring torches, candles, flashlights, drums, binlinds, whistles, etc.,and of course your fierceness.MORE ORGANIZING DETAILS:Assemble 6:00 p.m.Monday, October 195th Avenue & 59th StreetDrawing on the history of political funerals in New York (in particular, forAIDS activists), we are organizing an angry, community response to voice ouroutrage at the death of Matthew Shepard and the brutal attacks on lesbians and gay men happening throughout New York City.We will march down Fifth Avenue. Bring signs, candles, whistles, torches,flashlights. Bring your friends.We are still in need of organizing help.OUTREACH* On Friday night, various teams will head out into all parts of the city to putup posters and flyers.* We need people to call all organizations (gay or straight or whatever) thatthey can think of and spread the word...we want this to be a massive response byALL communities outraged by anti-gay violence.MARSHALLS* We expect a big turn out and so we will need a large (and experienced) crew ofmarshalls to provide security for the marchers.LOGISTICS* A committee has formed to design the theatrical/ritualistic element of themarch.* There will be a meeting this Sunday, October 18 to put together signs,banners, props, etc.MEDIA* We need help writing and faxing our press release. We need media contacts. We need people who can be good liaisons between reporters and the marchers.If you feel you can provide anything else for the march, or if you just want tohelp out, please let me know. I can provide you with contact numbers andmeeting times/places.Please disseminate this message far and wide! Thanks.

================================== PRIDE (People Realizing Individuality and Diversity through Education) will hold a brief Candlelight Vigil to honor the life of Matthew Shepard and to"speak out" against violence. All members of the University community, aswell a residents of Normal-Bloomington, are invited to attend.Matthew was a gay student at the University of Wyoming who was brutallyattacked in Laramie, Wyoming last week. His death on Monday has sparkedanother national outcry againstviolence directed at gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.DATE: WEDNESDAY, October 14thPLACE: On the quad by the flagpole Illinois State UniversityTIME: 10:00 pm (following PRIDE meeting at 7:00 pm in SSB 375)Candles will be available distributed at 9:45 pm. Please bring your owncandle, if you are able. ================================= **** Complete Coverage of Campus Hate Crimes ****Hate crimes are hitting campuses across the country. Hate e-mail at Boston College last week. Murder in Wyoming this week. Should we legislate against hate? Read stories and opinion from students around the country and join the discussion at http://www.studentadvantage.com. ==================================

From: Jane Harper <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, October 16, 1998 12:15 PM To: [email protected] Subject:Fw: Phred Phelps bigot-o-thon ...

Dear Friends: Given the response, just in the past 12 hours, The Bigot-O-Thon is a go! Matthew Shepard's funeral will be held tomorrow in Casper, Wyoming. Rev. Fred Phelps and his cohorts plan to crash the funeral with their "No Tearsfor Queers" protest.I spoke to Tammy Pace of the First National Bank in Fort Collins, Colorado. Theyare handling the Matthew Shepard Memorial Fund. The idea of a Bigot-O-Thon wasappealing to her. I also spoke with the Casper, Wyoming police department abouttomorrow's protest and getting an accurate bigot-count. The idea is this:For every bigot Rev. Fred Phelp's flies in from Kansas, or who join his protestlocally, we will pledge donations (like a Walk-A-Thon) per head (penny, nickel,dime, quarter, dollar, etc) depending on our income level, and mail a check forthat amount to: The Matthew Shepard Memorial FundFirst National BankPO Box 578Fort Collins, Colorado 80522Acct# 1926083

Please mark: "For Bigot-O-Thon" in the memo part of the check.Tammy Pace said she will pass this news on to Matthew's family when she speakswith them later. I will contact several of the news agencies shortly. The funeral is less than 24hours a way, we need to move fast. We can make a positive statement withrelatively little effort. Pass the word, pass the hat at work... whatever.C'mon... we can do this and stick a lemon to the Rev. Fred Phelps!Jane Harper [email protected] Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA

**************************In justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. (King, 1963) ==================================

Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 04:37:44 +0000 From: Natalie Davis <[email protected]> Subject: Matthew Shepard MemorialPRESS RELEASE National Backout Day GayPlace online Magazine http://gayplace.com October 15th, 1998

"We are extremely gratified with the response to have gay and lesbiansites show a black memorial page to honor Matthew Shepard on FridayOctober 16, the day of his funeral. Already hundreds of sites aredisplaying the Human Rights Campaign banner in support of a NationalHate Crimes bill. It is our hope that after Matthew is put to rest the momentum generated by his horrific death will not be forgotten.There have been committments from hundreds of pages to support thismovement.We would like to recognize a partial list of those who are supportingour online community. If there are others we encourage then to let usknow. Once GayPlace is back online on Saturday, October 17th we will beposting a full list of sites to show our appreciation for their support. http://www.baltalt.com http://www.mccbaltimore.org http://www.freespeech.org/nd/ http://sandiego.sidewalk.com/gay http://www.planetout.com http://www.glbnet.com http://www.playguy.com http://www.indiana.edu/~out http://bigbackpack.ml.org http://www.northstar-ks.com http://artheal.org http://www.women.it/les/cinema http://www.women.it/les/libri http://www.olatel.com http://www.gayindiana.org/ http://www.enchantedwillow.com http://www.laplace.qc.ca /westhollywood/stonewall/4075 http://www.stanford.edu/~giampi http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~giampi http://perso.wanadoo.fr/cdrhomepage /SunsetStrip/Towers/4668 http://members.wbs.net/homepages/o/x/i/oxidized3.html http://www.gaycanada.com/talga/ http://acm.flint.umich.edu/~jonst http://zakspears.iamproud.com /westhollywood/6717 http://www.gurlpages.com/nolabel/arl4382/main.html http://www.seta.fi http://www.footbuddies.com http://www.america.com/~wessev/ http://members.aol.com/yankboy28 http://www.aquanet.co.il/vip/klaf http://kybosh.resnet.mtu.edu http://netpics.badpuppy.com/cjh/links.htm http://papercut.hypermart.net /westhollywood/village/3128/i http://www.wavetech.net/~jth/index.html http://lawlib.wuacc.edu/gln http://lawlib.wuacc.edu/washlaw/subject/gay.html /westhollywood/1012 /westhollywood/village/1873 http://www.male-model.com /westhollywood/village/1859 http://www.angelfire.com/sc/samispage http://www.timslone.com http://www.coffey.com/~zavijava/ http://members.aol.com/Erotica74/index.htm http://www.web-construct.com http://www.badnwrong.com http://www.world.std.com/~willjr http://www.rpi.edu/~holtc2 http://www.warmfuzzy.com/ http://members.aol.com/boystrange/index.html /westhollywood/2871 http://www.best.com/~richdom/ http://home.earthlink.net/~asgaya http://members.aol.com/LoneFox2/ http://home.earthlink.net/~asgaya/babw.html /~todc /westhollywood/stonewall/3513 http://home.earthlink.net/~thomasb512 http://members.aol.com/CcGAYCLUB/thepalladium-index.html http://members.aol.com/MajikToDo/index.html /TheTropics/1199/ http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~dgraham/rent2.html http://www.teenfree.com/webtvboyz http://www.fortunecity.com/lavendar/westbridge/448/ http://www.geekbabe.com/cassandra http://angelfire.com/ny/RENTGelBoysGirl http://junior.resnet.mtu.edu http://members.aol.com/ScrtAgentK /westhollywood/stonewall/2524/ http://lcv705.simplenet.com http://members.aol.com/SILLYG9466/INDEX.HTML http://www.egyc.org http://rhf.bradley.edu/~birsal/ http://fangz.com/~fingers /westhollywood/Heights/5487/index-1ebb.html /westhollywood/4717/ http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~program http://members.aol.com/tanboyfl18/mem.html http://rohan.sdsu.edu/~dburns /westhollywood/2406 http://home.talkcity.com/ReflectionsRd/ellen_fans/tribute.html /westhollywood/stonewall/5892 http://members.theglobe.com/tanboy18/ http://www.teenfree.com/keetumas /westhollywood/park/2969/index3.html http://members.tripod.com/~merloch /TelevisionCity/Stage/4277/index.htm /pentagon/Quarters/6512/index.htm /TelevisionCity/Stage/4277/matt.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/cdrhomepage /westhollywood/3528 /westhollywood/Heights/9205 http://members.xoom.com/168YorkSt http://www.ilinkusa.net/~timbuk2/gaylinks.html http://mbcenterprise.com/rear1.htm http://mbcenterprise.com/couple.htm http://mbcenterprise.com/archive1.htm http://members.tripod.com/~Poohbear17/David.html http://www.madkats.com /pentagon/9241 http://rainbow.uchicago.edu/~mbarrio http://www.women.it/les/cinema http://www.women.it/les/libri http://www.musclebearz.com /westhollywood/village/6663 http://peck.ipph.purdue.edu/al/space.html http://chorus.wazoo.com/ /westhollywood/Heights/5499 http://www.wazoo.com/~pflag/ http://chorus.wazoo.com/music/ http://chorus.wazoo.com/assisi/ http://attack.oit.duke.edu/ http://www.ziplink.net/~sshriner/ http://www.stolaf.edu/people/zwirn http://home.att.net/~patrickstone http://members.aol.com/xxxmarc http://members.aol.com/qtheatreq http://www.visi.com/~djivad/ http://www.unc.edu/~kidqwik/ http://www.crosswinds.net/atlanta/~jc2010 http://people.ne.mediaone.net/christnn/ http://members.xoom.com/gaynh/ http://foma.wsc.mass.edu/~gtremblay1 /westhollywood/stonewall/1646/ http://www.bytenet.com/feather/index.htm http://www.dmfaction.com/ http://homepages.infoseek.com/~bravot1/index.html /westhollywood/4435 http://www.worldwildeweb.net http://www.kersur.net/~emrys http://members.aol.com/DupontSlim http://webpages.marshall.edu/~ray16 http://www.personal.psu.edu/~jlp313 /westhollywood/park/7712/ http://www.u.arizona.edu/~meland http://www.tops69.com http://members.aol.com/RentKy/RENT.html http://www.tcnet.net/~rlday/ http://members.xoom.com/wulfster http://members.tripod.com/~pbei262/index.html http://home.att.net/~georgerussell/index.htm http://mochannel.cjb.net http://www.ecn.org/gayrage/orsi /westhollywood/6986/index.html /westhollywood/2840/index.html /westhollywood/stonewall/2178/index.html http://www.fortunecity.com/village/hancock/67/index.html http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~rbailey/caucus

Thank you Matt Danford Martin Wiesiolek Editor/GayPlace Webmaster/GayPlace [email protected] [email protected] note: update--several sites added to list. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Natalie Davis [email protected] [email protected] REMEMBER MATTHEW SHEPARD 1976-1998 "Ain't no time to hate." - Robert Hunter ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gay Place @ Online Magazine page on Internet Black Outhttp://www.gayplace.com/m_shepard.html ===================================---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 21:25:26 -0400 From: Lawrence Jurrist <[email protected]> To: Kenneth Sherrill <[email protected]> Subject: eulogy A message from The Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, Chaplain, to the whole Trinity College (Hartford, Conn., USA) community... Chaplain's Reflection

I saw on the news today that Matthew Shepard died. He wasthe 22 year old man from Wyoming who was beaten and torturedand left to die for no reason other than he was ahomosexual.This tragic murder has raised a national debate again, thekind of periodic soul-searching our society goes throughwhenever a crime of hate startles us into awareness. The burning of Black churches, the bombing of innocent people,the death of a shy young man from Wyoming: these events suddenly shake us out of complacency and remind us that fear, prejudice and rage are always the shadows just beyond the light of our reason. And so people suddenly start to speakout. There are voices of outrage and grief. Voices of sorrowand demands to know why such a thing could happen. Andpredictibly, there are also defensive voices:the governor of Wyoming trying to explain why his state has no laws to protect people from hate crimes and the leadership of what is called the Christian "right wing" trying toexplainwhy their national ads against homosexuality don't influencepeople to commit such violence against gays and lesbians.In the days to come, these many voices will fill our mediaand the cultural consciousness it imprints until we are once again lulled into the more familiar patterns of our lives,dozing off as a nation until the next tragedy rings thealarmof despair.As the chaplain for our own community, I would like toinviteus all to consider Matthew's death in another way. Notthroughthe clamour or denials, not through the shouts or cries ofanger: but rather, through the silence of his death, thesilence of that young man hanging on his cross of pain alonein the emptiness of a Wyoming night, the silence thatultimatelykilled him as surely as the beatings he endured.Silence killed Matthew Shepard. The silence of Christianswho know that our scriptures on homosexuality are few and murky in interpretation and far outweighed by the words ofa savior whose only comment on human relationships was tocall us to never judge but only to love. The silence of wellmeaning educated people who pretend to have an enlightenedview of homosexuality while quietly tolerating the abuse ofgays and lesbians in their own communities. The silence ofour elected officials who have the authority to make changesbut prefer to count votes. The silence of the majority of"straight" Americans who shift uncomfortably when confrontedby the thought that gays and lesbians may be no differentfrom themselves, save for the fact that they are walkingtargets for bigotry, disrespect, cheap humor, andapparently,of murder.Crimes of hate may live in shouts of rage, but they are bornin silence. Here at Trinity, I hope we will all listen tothatsilence. Before we jump to decry Matthew's senseless deathorbefore we seek to rationalize it with loud disclaimers: Ihopewe will just hear the silence. A young man's heart has ceased to beat. Hear the silence of that awful truth. It is the silenceof death. It is the silence that descends on us like a shroud.At Trinity, as in Wyoming, we are men and women surrounded by the silence of our own fear. Our fear of those who aredifferent.Our fear of being identified with the scapegoat. Our fear oftaking an unpopular position for the sake of those who cannotstand alone. Our fear of social and religious change. Our fear comes in many forms but it always comes silently. Awhisperedjoke. A glance to look away from the truth. A quick shake ofthehead to deny any complicity in the pain of others. Thesesilentacts of our own fear of homosexuality are acted out on thiscampus every day just as they are acted out every day inWyoming. Through silence, we give ourselves permission topractice what we pretend to abhor. With silence, we condemnscores of our neighbors to live in the shadows of hate. In silence, we observe the suffering of any group of people who have been declared expendable by our society.As a person of faith, I will listen, as we all will, to themany voices which will eulogize Matthew Shepard. I will carry that part of our national shame on my shoulders. But I will also listen to the silence which speaks much more eloquently still to the truth behind his death. I will listen and Iwillremember. And I will renew my resolve never to allow thissilence to have the last word. Not for Matthew. Not for gaymen or lesbian women. Not for any person in our society ofanycolor or condition who has been singled out for persecution.Not in my church. Not in my nation. Not in Wyoming. And notat Trinity College. ******The Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, Chaplain of Trinity College, may be sent email at: <[email protected]> Trinity College is located in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. =================================== Something that you might consider reading and maybe reading at a vigil or other gathering is this piece by Carol McNeely Co-List Owner Lambda Midwest [email protected] :This can be found at /westhollywood/stonewall/shepard.html after 10/16/98. Look for it on 10/17/98. =================================== Source: Kevyn Jacobs <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:58:58 +0000 Subject: We Shall OvercomeI post this old freedom hymn in memory of Matthew Shepherd. It might come in useful at the candlelight vigils tonight. Matthew: your sacrifice and courage will not be forgotten. ================= We Shall OvercomeThis can be found at /westhollywood/stonewall/shepard.html after 10/16/98. Look for it on 10/17/98. =================================== Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 19:38:16 -0400 From: Warren J. Blumenfeld <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Tribute to Matthew Shepard

A TRIBUTE TO MATTHEW SHEPARD AN ADDRESS GIVEN AT A MEMORIAL VIGIL THURSDAY OCTOBER 15, 1998 AMHERST, MASSACHUSETTS TOWN COMMONS By Warren J. Blumenfeld I never met Matthew Shepard in life, but I feel I know Matthew Shepard in death. His passing hit me like the death of an old trusted friend. His loss to me is palpable. Matthew hoped to dedicate his life to advancing the cause of human rights for all people. His uncle, R. W. Eaton, said that Matt was "a small person with a big heart, mind, and soul that someone tried to beat out of him." I come to you tonight with both good news and bad news, and I will save the good news to the end. The bad news is that what happened to Matthew Shepard is nothing new. We see hate-motivated violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people and other targeted social groups on the rise. Pick up any of our publications and each week you will see stories of brutal and senseless attacks. Groups of young males wielding baseball bats and guns at anyone who looks "different," and men waiting outside women's spaces attacking women on their way home. Recently hitting the national spotlight we witnessed the brutal attacks on Rodney King in Los Angeles, the barbarous slaying of James Byrd, Jr. in Jasper, Texas, and the fierce rape and murder of a 7-year-old girl in a Las Vegas casino bathroom. And these are simply the most extreme examples of hate- related violence in general and so-called "gay bashing" specifically. I am here, then, to restate a simple truth -- the killers of Matthew Shepard live in a society that promotes intolerance, for gay bashing comes in a great many forms:Whenever hate mongers like Fred Phelps and his followers threaten to picket and protest the funerals of gay and lesbian people, including Matthew Shepard, and people who have died of AIDS, that's gay bashing.Whenever university students, like those at Colorado State University, spray paint a scarecrow at their homecoming parade with vicious epithets in reference to Matthew Shepard, that's gay bashing.Whenever the political and theocratic right produce newspaper and television ads that promise "conversion" and "escape" from the so-called "homosexual lifestyle" in the guise of Christian love and understanding, that's gay bashing.Whenever politicians like Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott proclaim in the media that homosexuality is a disease in the categories of kleptomania and alcoholism, that's gay bashing.Whenever the U.S. Senate and other legislative bodies refuse to confirm a nominee for public service, like James Hormel as ambassador to Luxembourg, simply on account of their sexual or gender identity alone and not on their actual qualifications, that's gay bashing.Whenever so-called religious leaders like Pat Robertson blame natural disasters on city governments that have enacted laws protecting the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people, that's gay bashing.Whenever mainstream religious denominations condemn homosexuality with one breath and actively obstruct frank and honest sexuality and AIDS education programs in our schools with another, that's gay bashing. Whenever any young person is tossed out on the street when family members become aware of their sexual or gender identity, that's gay bashing.Whenever any person is ridiculed, isolated, confronted, or attacked for not conforming to rigid constructions of gender expression, that's gay bashing.Whenever hate crimes legislation is drafted without including the documentation of violence directed against lesbians, gay males, bisexuals, and transgender people, branding this as nothing more than the granting of "special rights," that's gay bashing.Whenever professors in our universities and teachers in our schools exclude the stories of our lives, our experiences, and our accomplishments in the classroom, that's gay bashing.Whenever any one of us is taught to hate ourselves each one of us is demeaned, and that certainly is gay bashing, and we have a right, or rather an obligation, to speak up, to fight back with all the energy, with all the unity, and with all the love that we are capable of. Today we still live in a society that proclaims we don't have a right to exist, but exist we do, everywhere, in all walks of life.For as we all know, we are the students, professors, teachers, guidance counselors, day care workers, parents -- and still some peopleand groups attempt to prevent us from having contact with the young people of our nation. And because of their insensitivity and fear, the gay bashing continues.We are the social workers, psychiatrists, workers at homeless shelters and rape crisis centers -- and still some people and groups blame us for the break up of what they call the "traditional American family." And the gay bashing continues.The reality is that we are holding up this culture. If all the lesbians, bisexuals, gay males, and transgender people suddenly left our jobs, this country would literally crumble. Referring to Matthew Shepard's shattered body, his uncle cried: "It's like something you might see in war." Yes, we are fighting a war: a war against ignorance, which is literally killing our people. And amidst this crisis, segments of our country perpetuate a process of collective denial by refusing to acknowledge the mere existence of this war in its attempts to silence us. But silent we are not, and silent we will never be again.There is an old tradition in our western states of ranchers killing a coyote and tying it to a fence to scare off other coyotes, and to keep them from coming out of their hiding places. That's what Matthew Shepard's killers did to him. They smashed his skull and tied him to a fence as if he were a lifeless scarecrow, where he was bound for over 18 hours in near freezing temperatures. The message to the rest of us from these killers is quite clear: stay locked away in your suffocating and dank closets, and don't ever come out. But the good news that I alluded to earlier is that no amount of intimidation will ever lock us away again. Lesbians, gay males, bisexuals, transgender people, and our loving and supportive heterosexual allies are coming out in greater numbers than ever before, as witnessed in the largeoutpouring of grief, anger, and love over this past week. As marginalized people, we are pushing the boundaries unwilling any longer to accept the repressive status quo. In coalition with other disenfranchised groups and allies, we are refusing to buckle under and to assimilate into a corrupt and corrupting system that forces people to relinquish their integrity and their humanity.One year before the death of another of our slain leaders, gay San Francisco City Supervisor Harvey Milk recorded a will that was to be played in the event of his assassination. In it he stated that he never considered himself simply as a candidate for public office, but rather, always considered himself as part of a movement: a liberation movement for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people -- and a liberationmovement for all people.Each time Harvey spoke in front of a crowd, he urged people to come out everywhere and often: "Tell you immediate family," he would say, "tell friends, neighbors, people in the stores you shop in, cab drivers,everyone." And he urged heterosexual people to be our allies, to interrupt derogatory remarks and jokes, to support us and offer aid when needed. If we all didthis, he said, we could change the world.Well, in his brief time with us, Matthew Shepard also changed lives. His caring soul transformed the people he met. Though his attackers may have succeeded in devastating his body, they did not and will never succeed in destroying his gentle spirit, or in extinguishing the heart of a community and a movement for social justice, for Matthew's spirit continues, inspiring a people, a nation, a world. We can take solace in the words of Judy Shepard, Matt's mother, when she tells us: "Go home, give your kids [and I would add, all your loved ones] a hug, and don't let a day go by without telling them you love them." For Matthew, and Judy, and for all of us, I do believe that love WILL conquer the hatred. Matthew, thank you for the riches you have left us. We will continue the struggle in your name to make the world a safer and more supportive environment for all its people. Matthew, may you forever rest in peace.

Warren J. Blumenfeld Editor, Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price Editor, Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity Co-author, Looking at Gay and Lesbian Life P.O. Box 929 Northampton, MA 01061-0929 [email protected] ==================================== LETTERS: From: Anthony Bollander To whom it may concern, You have two email address listed on the Mathew Shepard update whichare wrong. I am an alumni of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and NOT Pi KappaAlpha. You also list the Chi Alpha Omega Christian fraternity whichin also wrong (it was Alpha Chi Omega sorority). If possible, pleaseremove these listings. I understand the outrage across the nation, butam personally being spammed, accused, and verbally abused without havinganything to do with these actions. Anything else you can do to prevent additional email from being sentto my address would be appreciated. Also, please be careful what gets put on such a distribution list...it has been a pretty rough experienceto get such hating letters in my personal email box Thank you and Good Luck, Tony ==================================== **DONATING FUNDS: The family has again asked that no flowers be sent but rather that people send donations to the Matthew Shepard memorial fund at: c/o First National Bank PO Box 578Fort Collins, CO 80522 Account No. 1926083

and also donate funds to gay/les/bi/trans organizations of all kinds to help them do their jobs. ===================================== WYOMING NEWSPAPERS University of Wyoming Laramie Daily Boomerang,314 S. 14th St.,Laramie,WY,82070 (Fax 307-721-2933 ) (E-MAIL: [email protected] ) ( http://bi.uwyo.edu/ ) Casper Star-Tribune, 170 Star Ln, PO Box 70, Casper WY 82602-0070(Fax 307-266-0501 ) (E-MAIL: [email protected] ) Wyoming Tribune-Eagle,702 W. Lincolnway,Cheyenne,WY,82001 (Fax 307-778-7163 )(E-MAIL: [email protected] ) Wyoming Journal, Newcastle, WY E-MAIL: [email protected] Branding Iron (University of Wyoming), Laramie, WYE-Mail: [email protected] ) ( http://bi.uwyo.edu )

USA TODAY [email protected] Chicago Tribune [email protected] Wall St. Journal [email protected] Dallas News [email protected] New York Times [email protected] Christian Science Monitor [email protected] Newsday [email protected] Boston Globe [email protected] Florida Today (Melbourne) [email protected] Columbus OH Dispatch [email protected] SF Examiner [email protected] Chronicle [email protected] TIME [email protected] NEWSWEEK [email protected] U.S. NEWS [email protected] Nebraska: The Daily Nebraskan [email protected]

Kansas City, MO: The Pitch [email protected] City Star [email protected]

Jay N. Fromkin Director, University Relations University of Wyoming Phone: 307-766-2929 Fax: 307-766-6729 [email protected] =================================== Send email to Governor Jim Geringer of Wyoming, let him know what you think of their lack of hate crime protection and what that meant forMatthew Shepard and for his attackers: [email protected] orwrite him personally at: Governor's Office, Wyoming State Capitol, Cheyenne, WY 82002 and contact the Mayor Laramie: Ms. Trudy McCraken,City of Laramie, P.O. Box C, Laramie, WY 82073 (307) 721-5226 Fax: (307) 721-5211 Contact your Senators and Representatives in Washington and demand immediate action on the Hate Crimes Protection Act:



Contact President Clinton Vice-President Gore, Hillary Clinton and Mrs. Gore and express your outrage at this failure of the State of Wyoming to enact adequate protection for its Gay and Lesbian citizens: President William J. Clinton [email protected] Vice President Al [email protected] Hillary Clinton [email protected] Mrs. Gore [email protected]

**Email Matthew's Family: There is no current email address, but one is rumoured to be set up in the future for responses. ==================================== Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 22:24:58 -0500 Subject: Re: Owners of GLBT oriented web sites please note

The Human Rights Campaign Fund is asking those who have GLBT oriented web sites to "black" them out on Friday, 16 October, in memory of Matthew Shepard. Instead of your usual opening page, they are asking you to put on > the following, which brings up a link to the HRC and information on their campaign for federal anti-hate crime legislation: If you wish to make the page white, put in the following code: TAKE ACTION NOW If the page will be black, put in the following code: TAKE ACTION NOW For more information, see http://www.gayplace.com/m_shepard.html

WEAR A BLACK RIBBON CAMPAIGN: I am encouraging thegay/lesbian/bi/trans community and our allies to adopt the black ribbonto signify anti-gay/lesbian violence and other hate crimes. The BlackRibbon would best represent the bleak state of affairs in America todayfor gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered, African Americans, OtherRaces and Ethnic Groups. Because we have ignorance it is dark and weneed light to shed on this ignorance so that it doesn't happen over andover!!! Wearing a black ribbon would bring some awareness to the worldthat we are not going to forget the death of Matthew Shepard, nor any ofthe acts of hatred towards minorities in America today!!! Wear a blackribbon to mourn the senseless loss of another young life to hatred andintolerance, and to mourn the loss of security of all BGLT Americans. Please do something now. Let it be known that we have had enough.This loss will not go unremembered; it must not go unpunished. We cannotallow it to be swept under the rug. We cannot just suffer in silence anylonger. ACTIONS FOR UNIVERSITIES TO FOLLOW TO HELP STOP HATE CRIME AND HELPRESTORE DIVERSITY:This can be found at /westhollywood/stonewall/shepard1.html after 10/16/98. Look for it on 10/17/98. WEB SITES ===================================

Visiting these websites for more information and learning what hate crime is really about:

Note: The are selectively chosen, so they should be good links to stop at. I will mark New web sites with the precursor NEW!!!.

Matthew Shepard Info http://www.pcisys.net/~aellison/matthew/

NEW!!! Salon Newsreal | Web of hate http://www.salonmagazine.com/news/1998/10/16newsa.html

NEW!!! Stop Hate Crimes Send a Rose /Area51/Lair/8263/send-rose.htm

NEW!!! , Federal Bureau of Investigation,Criminal Justice Information Services Division, HATE CRIME STATISTICS,1996 Uniform Crime Reports http://www.civilrights.org/lcef/hcpc/stats/table9a.html

Matthew Shepard Message Board http://www.wiredstrategies.com/wwwboard/

Matthew Shepard's Memorial Website http://www.websine.com/shepard/matt.html NEW!!! Gay Place @ Online Magazine page on Internet Black Out http://www.gayplace.com/m_shepard.html NEW!!! FBI statistics (1995) on agency-reported hate crimes[ http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/hatecm.htm

Poudre Valley Health System http://www.pvhs.org/news/

NEW!!! Casper City Council Bans Demonstrations at Funeral October 16, 1998 http://www.datalounge.com/cgi-bin2/dbm/news/record?record=2779

The Human Rights Campaign in Washington D.C. - http://www.hrc.org/NEW!!!

Non-Gay Organizations Blast Religious Right October 16, 1998 http://www.datalounge.com/cgi-bin2/dbm/news/record?record=2780

University of Wyoming "Laramie Online" - Laramie News Service:--"online student newspaper covering Laramie and UW": http://www.uwyo.edu/a&s/comm/lns/shep2.htm

NEW!!! Online Vigil Puts Renewed Pressure on Congress October 15, 1998 http://www.datalounge.com/cgi-bin2/dbm/news/record?record=2777

Should Congress pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act? CNN has put up a poll at: http://cnn.com/US/9810/12/wyoming.attack.03/

NEW!!! Contact: ABCNews.com via the WWW: http://www.abcnews.com/service/abc_contactus.html

AP wire-service via the Washington Post (Washington, D.C.) http://search.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WAPO/19981011/V000845-101198-idx.html As this detailed URL becomes obsolete, try: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/digest/nat1.htm

NEW!!! Yahoo! Full Coverage - Matthew Shepard Funeral Today, Protesters Banned http://headlines.yahoo.com/FC/US/Matthew_Shepard_Murder/

United Gays and Lesbians of Wyoming: http://www.uglw.org/

NEW!!! Matthew's Place : Photos http://artheal.org/photos.htm

The University of Wyoming (Laramie) student newspaper: "Branding Iron" http://bi.uwyo.edu/

NEW!!! Pic of Matt http://artheal.org/images/matthew-sand.jpg

e-online Petition against Hate in Wyoming Please link to this petition supporting Matthew Shepard, the young man from Laramie, Wyoming who died this morning after being savagely beaten and left for dead because of his sexual orientation. This petition has been started to encourage the legislature to pass hate crimes legislation. May God bless Matthew Shepard. You can sign the petition at: http://www.e-thepeople.com/etp2/affiliates/national/fullview.cfm?ETPID=0&PETID=55464&ETPDIR=affiliates/national Also see: http://www.e-thepeople.com

NEW!!! Matthew Shepard Timezone Map- World Time Zone Map for print( inmemory of Matthew Shepard) /CapeCanaveral/5082/matthew.htmNEW!!!

World Timezone System (Map redesigned in memory of Matthew Shepard) http://www.halyava.ru/tunguska/worldtm7.htm

A new Web site has been launched to give Net surfers immediate, comprehensive, up-to-date, and archived information on the Matthew Shepard anti-gay hate crime case in Wyoming. The site, built and maintained for free by Wired Strategies, can be found at http://www.wiredstrategies.com/shepard.html email:[email protected] John Aravosis Wired Strategies - Online Advocacy Consulting Washington, DC 202/328-5707 tel. 202/328-5708 fax

NEW!!! Mathew's Place : Home Page http://artheal.org/

Matthew Shepard on CNN http://www.cnn.com/US/9810/10/wyoming.attack/

NEW!!! Gay Man's Beating Spurs Calls for Hate-Crime Laws Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,41009,00.html

University of Illinois at Chicago Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual &Transgender Concerns Anti-violence pages: http://www.uic.edu/depts/quic/oglbc/safety/

NEW!! Many in Wyoming Assail Gay Attack Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,41279,00.html

Matthew passed away early this morning. You may send your condolences to [email protected] or the address listed on the update page at http://members.xoom.com/GayNebraska/shepard.html

NEW!!! Gay Man's Death Brings Call for Hate-Crime Law Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,41483,00.html

Yahoo has many more articles listed now. They can be found @ http://headlines.yahoo.com/FC/US/Matthew_Shepard_Murder/

NEW!!! All of the rest of these URLs:

BREAKING NEWS:Gay Wyoming Student Dies From Beating Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,41374,00.html

Suspects in Student's Death Could Face Death Penalty Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,42013,00.html

Student's Death Spurs Calls for Hate-Crime Law Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,41701,00.html

Student's Death Raises Hate-Crime Debate Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,41848,00.html Hateful Acts Follow Gay Student's Death Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,42199,00.html

Gay Activists See Hatred as a Sign of the Times Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,42410,00.html

Slain Gay Man Had Reported Rape Earlier Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,43001,00.html

Suspects in Gay Man's Death Called Troubled Drop-Outs Address: http://www.omaha.com/OWH/Storypage/ViewIt/1,1344,46294,00.html

Opinion Letter by James Moeser from UNL Nebraska WebAddress: http://www.nebweb.com/news/friday/letters.htm

Lincoln Journal Opinion on Hate Crime Nebraska Web Address: http://www.nebweb.com/news/wednesday/oped.htm

Lincoln Journal Article Link on Matthew Nebraska Web Address: http://www.nebweb.com/news/tuesday/local3.htm

MediaINFO Links - Search Page Address: http://www.mediainfo.com/emedia/advanced.htm

U-Wire Today- One man's death: America's wake-up call Address: http://www.uwiretoday.com/columns101598001.chtml

U-Wire Today- Alpha Chi Omega shuts CSU chapter because of float vandalism Address: http://www.uwiretoday.com/topnews101598004.chtml

U-Wire Today- BU addresses hate crimes on campus Address: http://www.uwiretoday.com/topnews101598002.chtml

U-Wire Today- His name was Matthew Address: http://www.uwiretoday.com/editorials101598000.chtml

U-Wire Today- U. Wyoming student group plans Shepard memorial Address: http://www.uwiretoday.com/topnews101598000.chtml

Shepard's Death Becomes National Rallying Cry October 15, 1998 http://www.datalounge.com/cgi-bin2/dbm/news/record?record=2773

Sorority Disbands Over "Gay Scarecrow" Incident October 15, 1998 http://www.datalounge.com/cgi-bin2/dbm/news/record?record=2775

House Passes Voice Vote Condemning Student Attack October 15, 1998 http://www.datalounge.com/cgi-bin2/dbm/news/record?record=2774

Statement by Philip L. Dubois, President, University of Wyoming - Oct. 12, 1998 http://www.uwyo.edu/om/unirel/htm/shepard.html

Funeral services for Matthew Shepard will be Friday, Oct. 16, 1998; 1:30 p.m.; St. Mark's Episcopal Church; 701 S. Walcott, Casper. Seating will be reserved for family and friends, with others welcome on a space available basis. An audio feed of the service will be available in First Presbyterian Church, 804 S. Wolcott for those unable to be seated in St. Mark's. For those unable to attend the funeral service in Casper, KTWO radio (1030 AM) will broadcast the service.Open Letter from UW President Philip L. Dubois on Planned Anti-Gay Protest by Westboro Baptist Church

http://www.uwyo.edu/om/unirel/htm/president/westboro.html Open Letter from UW President Philip L. Dubois on Planned Anti-Gay Protest by Westboro Baptist Church

Benefit Fund for Matthew Shepard http://www.uwyo.edu/om/unirel/htm/shepardsite.html

A community memorial service will be held for Matthew Shepard on Monday, Oct. 19, 1998 from 7-8 p.m. in the University of Wyoming College of Arts & Sciences auditorium. The public is invited to attend.

UW Athletic Teams Elect to Honor Matthew Shepard http://www.fansonly.com/cgi-bin2/cframe.cgi?/wyo/genrel/101398aaa.html

Response by the City of Laramie http://www.uwyo.edu/om/unirel/htm/cityshepard.html

Statement by Rob Spaulding, Associated Students-University of Wyoming, State Relations - Oct. 9, 1998 http://www.uwyo.edu/om/unirel/htm/spaulding.html

Candlelight Vigil for Matthew Shepard, Oct. 11, 1998 http://www.uwyo.edu/om/unirel/htm/duboisonshepard.html Statement by Philip L. Dubois, President, University of Wyoming

http://www.uwyo.edu/om/unirel/htm/riosonshepard.html Statement by Jesus Rios, President, Associated Students - University of Wyoming http://www.uwyo.edu/om/unirel/htm/osbornEonshepard.html Statement by James Osborn, Chair, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered Association, University of Wyoming

CNN - Religious leaders, activists hold vigils for slain gay student - October 15, 1998 http://www.cnn.com/US/9810/15/gay.student.vigils/index.html

Gay Rights/Hate Crimes Message Board http://community.cnn.com/cgi-bin2/WebX?13@@.ee7239cCNN

Casper braces for protests as gay student buried - October 16, 1998 http://www.cnn.com/US/9810/16/shepard.funeral.01/ The Sunday Mirror, London at http://www.mirror.co.uk/ WELCOME TO THE VILE WEST, WHERE PEOPLE [Online Mirror Forum]DON'T CARE IF GAYS ARE KILLED FROM ANDY LINES, US EDITOR IN LARAMIE,WYOMING [Voice Of The Mirror]

DC Rally Calls for Hate Law News Planet Staff Thursday, October 15, 1998 / 05:54 PM http://www.planetout.com/newsplanet/article.html?1998/10/15/1

Shepard Case Updates NewsPlanet Staff Thursday, October 15, 1998 / 05:56 PM http://www.planetout.com/newsplanet/article.html?1998/10/15/2

To the memory of Matthew Shepherd ... /collegepark/Field/5457/

It's all Greek to some Address: http://www.collegian.com/front/1015_greek.html

Subject: DC Vigil Photos Online Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 04:11:29 -0400 From: John Aravosis <[email protected]> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday October 15, 1998 - 3:30AM CONTACT: John Aravosis, 202/328-5707, [email protected]

'VIRTUAL VIGIL' HAS PHOTOS AND QUOTES FROM DC CANDLELIGHT EVENT http://www.wiredstrategies.com/shepard.html

Wired Strategies has posted online a large number of photos and quotes fromtonight's candlelight vigil at the US Capitol building, so that those whocould not attend in person can still participate via a "virtual vigil."The photographs can be reached versus the Matthew Shepard Online Resourceshome page by simply clicking on the sub-title at the top of the page .Photos include Ellen Degeneres, Betty Degeneres, Anne Heche, SenatorKennedy, Elizabeth Birch, Joan Garry, Kerri Lobel, Rep. Barney Frank, ReaCarey, Rep. Dick Gephardt, Senator Alan Simpson, actress Kristen Johnstonand more. In addition, you can read a first-hand account of the event,with quotes from numerous speakers, on the home page as well.

Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 13:42:25 -0400 From: PSRT-L Editor, Mike Margolis <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Web pages on elections Mailto:[email protected] (Mike Bobic) Dear LIstees: I apologize that I was not able to compile this list sooner for you, but things have been midterming around here. Anyway, here are 10 of the 15 sites I found [in response to my PSRT-L posting], including the one I was after. The other 5 seem to be nonfunctional right now. The PBS one is up and down, so it depends on the day when you hit it.www.politicsonline.com is a general site that links to other candidates and has some summaries. www.gspm.org/electcon is a central station to a lot of information on theelection. I have students use this one primarily. www.vote-smart.org, most people know about this site. www.crp.org/1998 elect is the site I wanted. It has nice graphs of campaign finance for each candidate in easily downloadable forms. http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS , most people have commented on this site. Interestingthat the polls reported here don't match polls done by Pew and Gallup.www.campaignwebreview.net is a review of different campaign and election sites. This one has a Lot of different links.www.pbs.org/election98 sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.www.fec.gov/finance nuf said on this one. I wish the data were downloadable,but we can't have everything.Thanks for your patience. For my interests, the www.crp.org is the most useful, but all of these have good stuff. Michael Bobic [email protected]

Sick Cartoon by the Westboro Baptist Church, Topeka, KS http://godhatesfags.com/shepard.gif

Anti-gay group plans to protest funeral CASPER. Wyo. (AP) http://www.trib.com/HOMENEWS/WYO/FuneralPicket.html

Shepard Mourned NewsPlanet Staff Tuesday, October 13, 1998 / 06:07 PM http://www.planetout.com/newsplanet/article.html?1998/10/13/1

Shepard as Cause Celebre News Planet Staff Tuesday, October 13, 1998 / 06:10 PM http://www.planetout.com/newsplanet/article.html?1998/10/13/2

T0oday Opusgay has made a black-out in honnour of M. Shepard.Our site is: http://homepage.esoterica.pt/~anser <--[Portugal]INTERNET MEMORIALS: Internet Black Out Day: 10/16/98: See the Press release above. Sponsored by www.gayplace.com

Mike Silverman made a memorial banner for Matthew Shepard, for people touse on web sites and such. I am using it to link to a memorial web site at http://www.websine.com/shepard/matt.html, but it can be used to link anywhere. The graphic is located at http://www.turnleft.com/img/remember.jpg and now also: /westhollywood/stonewall/2178/remember.jpg If you want to use this graphic, please use your browser's "save as" command to copy the image to your own web site rather than linking to my copy of the image...that way my web server will not be overwhelmed. Thank you. Mike Silverman -- [email protected] http://www.turnleft.com/personal/

Additional Graphics Donated from Lambda Midwest: Graphics artist, Terry Clouse [email protected] did a couple of graphics and you can download them at: /westhollywood/stonewall/2178/matt.gif /westhollywood/stonewall/2178/matt2.gif These others are additions by me: /westhollywood/stonewall/2178/shepardap.jpg /westhollywood/stonewall/2178/takeactionbl.gif /westhollywood/stonewall/2178/takeacitonwh.gif

The last two are great from the Human Rights Campaign I think. for the Hate Crimes Prevention Act.If you know of any wonderful pictures of Matthew Shepard, please email them to: [email protected] ================================== Quotes from Around:

From the Queer Law List 10/16/98: have you ever seen the Martin Scorsese movie, *The Last Temptation ofChrist*? In it, Jesus, as in a dream, survives crucifixion and remains amortal, earth-bound, for some years, siring children by Mary Magdelene andtraveling all over the Levant. In a pivotal scene, he happens upon a townsquare where Saul of Tarsus, now Paul, is preaching. After hearing Paul tell the story of Christ's resurrection, Jesus goes up to him and says, "I am Jesus and it didn't happen that way. I am alive." Paul promptly says, no, you'redead. And even if you *are* alive, we have to keep you dead. Alive, you areof no value to us." Well, Cubby, Matthew Shepard serves a similar function. Yeah, I know, a lot of *ugly* or *old* or *unappealing* gays, lesbians, and transgender persons have suffered at the hands of gay bashers, and maybe Matthew *was* a little too glamorous (young and cute) to be properly symbollic of us all. But he is uniting both gays and str8s in opposition to the bashers. Finally, we are seeing a united effort to push for hate crime legislation at both state and national levels that includes the erotic minorities. I say you're wrong; he is our poster boy, and Hallelujia!!!

"The opportunity to be threatened, humiliated and to live in fear of being beaten to death is the only 'special right' our culture bestows on homosexuals." - Diane Carman, Denver Post, October 10, 1998 ===================================

Related Works: Saddened in colorado: To all, Please visit http://lamar.colostate.edu/~xaomega to clear up anational misunderstanding about who was involved in the hate incidenthere. We at Chi Alpha Omega want not only to clear our name, but to makea difference in this tough time. Thank you _____________________________________________________________________ - Chi Alpha Omega - "Striving To Practice A Balanced Lifestyle, Socially, Academically, and Spiritually." _____________________________________________________________________ http://lamar.acns.colostate.edu/~xaomega Dan Oltersdorf - President 495-5689 Jeff Warren - Director of the Social Ministry 229-9955 =============================== ==== For Lambda Midwest and the UNL Gay/Lesbian Alumniae Assoc., Inc. and the MatthewShepardUpdate List, Rodney Allen Bell, II, B.A. Political Scientist/Queer Midwest Activist ICQ: 4734586P.O. Box 45357, Kansas City, MO 64171 (816) 931-6829 Voice [email protected] [email protected] Check out my auctions on ebay.com:http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/lovespirit/

"Everyone should be allowed expression, no one ought be allowed oppression" --RB, 1985, UNL

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