WELCOME! This is a directory ofmy pictures!

Here is a cute photo ofChris and me on Christmas morning!

I got a DOG! His name is George

I spent the summer working as a counselor at a Girl Scout resident camp! It was SO awesome! Here's some camp photos!

Visit UNCG Department of Recreation, parks, and Tourism to learn all about my major and studies!

This is a Picture of Chris and me!
So is THIS!
I also have a newJournal online!

Here's a picture of my cat! Her name isPuppie Supreme
One night she fell asleep on my scanner, so I SCANNED Puppie!

My current obsession!

Take this Quiz about me!

Go here for a bunch ofLinks to all my very favorite websites!

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If you just HAVE to see my OLD pageGo here

? 2001 [email protected]