
a dcbm continuing saga... the story goes...
herstory dictates the evolution of species...
all things queenmaxine
envelope me with layers
of comfort that randomly pile on and peel back,
continually exposing
further facets of my being...
layers overlap in an endless tapestry
birthing my life...
quest gives way to adventure...
embellishment spins out of control...

the ongoing saga of queenmaxine had its humble beginnings here, and the second round here...this is as always a work in progress as i conduct the orchestra of my life and create a resounding symphony perfprmance...because i have renamed files, there are links i have to troubleshoot so please be patient...
In 2004 is the journey still continuing? Perhaps it is time to remove this site and archive the contents...anyone know how to do that?

© 1998-2002 [email protected]