An End to The Christian Lie About Homosexuality and Transgenderism

Wishing might make it so in some things; but in the case of what the christian money-machine is telling the public about a lot of people (trans and gay), it just isn't so. Where they really made their mistake at, is when they started rejecting us, and having people like me leave their churches. According to the design, they were supposed to accept anyone who came to them for help. That way they could get the money from them.

Let me be more clear about that. The morality espoused by the church created the stigma of being trans or gay. Think about it; creating an enemy to rally your people against is the very same thing that Hitler did in nazi Germany, is it not? Does anyone doubt the benefits that he created for himself when he did so?

Tell me: how moral is an ethical system that tells others to hate ANYONE? I say not very! But it is also TEMPORARY!

Again, the church's logic has failed them. By espousing a philosophy of hating anyone, they go against the Human heart. People know right from wrong; they all know that beating up gay people, or keeping them from marrying each other, is fundamentally wrong. So much so, that people who listen to their hearts will, eventually do what is right. That is, not what some "Reverend" SAYS is right; what really is the right thing to do. My prediction for the future: get ready to see gay marriage fully legalized, and public. Be prepared to see a day when, not only will girls like me be entirely public, we will actually be SOUGHT OUT by businesses for certain jobs. Truthfully, I am surprised that this is not so already.

Can you see what I am saying? The Law of Nature would have us take over, because we have grown stronger because of having to hide from oppression. That too is like a sine wave. We have been working from within the system to end the lies, and let ourselves out of the closet forever. Indeed, all the organizations are trying to burn the closet!

At first, I did not think that the "in-yer-face" approach that the gay organizations use was the way for transgendered people to become free and equal people. I found no better answer, though. Hitching our wagon to theirs was the only way, I suppose. It does not matter; the common people saw us as gay as well. The solution was obvious from there.

Is it not interesting how "gay" is the worst thing that a christian can call someone else? As femmophobic as christian men are (that is, afraid of being seen as even slightly feminine), one would think that it would be "woman" or "sissy", as it used to be. "Fag" being the worst cuss word is fairly new, actually; I can remember when it was not.

Is it not also interesting how common people will assume that you are gay, if you do not have a wife and 2 or 3 screaming brats? I don't have any interest in having children; I think that enough people have children to make up for it. But the worst thing about having a child would be when she started school. No matter how carefully I raised her (assuming that I can even have children), she would end up with all the common dysfunctions found in American children today. No patience, no introspection, and all the dirty words and foul attitudes of common people. I can see how heartbreaking that would be for me personally; nearly as bad as having to see it all around me as it is.

Next time you see a christian, thank him for that! That is what they support.

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