Leigh's Web Page


Hi and welcome to my home page. I consider myself to be a pagan and psychic believe in Karma, the Mother Goddess God. I enjoy life, now that I have found my true self, and understand my purpose here. I guess what I recommend is that we keep life 'simple' and stop trying to go against the grain. Understand and be aware of why things are happening, not what you can do to change it or try and fight it. Stop making things difficult, when it can be simple if you understand and can be free of lifes shackels. Live for today, not in the past, and be ready for the future, for we never know what is in store for us. Our Universe shows us many insights that we must see with our soul, or third eye. For once we start to use our senses, we SEE much more beyond what our eyes can see. Be honest with yourself and others, and you will find yourself on the right path and you will start to learn how to hear what the Universe has to say. Once you start feeling that goodness, having the respect for the Earth, and not hurting anyone, and being true to yourself and others, your heart will start to change, and over time, you will feel that connection between you and your God/Goddess/Cosmos. Meditation is another way of getting grounded, and opening up oneself to 'listen'. I know that once I took that step into being pagan, it has kept me honest and on the right path, and in turn, I expect honesty from others. Mistakes are learned from others, for I cannot make all the mistakes in the world in my lifetime and trust me, I have made many whoppers. *grin* Of course I learn by ones that I have made, and remember not too make them again. I wasn't always a tree huggi'n poetry writing, spell casting witch, but I am and I would not go back to that blind person I was.

I mostly have visions or can see things before they happen. At first as a child, I was frightened by this gift. It was a gift passed down from my mothers mother (Stregheria) to my mother and then to me. I can be working, sitting at home or be doing just about anything, when I feel an 'aura'. Aura's can come in smells, colors - to explain it better, have you ever met someone for the first time and you 'feel' something that you don't like, or like. It's that 'first impression' feeling, this can be their aura. Some people are senders and some are receivers, I'm more of a receiver, since I can can feel these things coming from people. If this is what you feel, try to enhance it. Read about it, try to gain as much knowledge about what you see and feel. Write things down in a journal, for even though we have a gift, re-reading notes is the best way to sort every episode, every thought and then we can reflect upon that. Now that I am aware of this aura, and no longer afraid of what my grandmother gave me, I now can put it into perspective, I go with it. I feel and see an overwhelming power of thoughts and energies. I have an intense connection with the cosmos, which is an awesome gift. I have been very accurate so far, and this has raised my awareness even more. Now, I am pursuing and enhancing this gift, for when your Goddess or God raises your awareness and tells you something, it is in your best interest to listen and take directions, for your God/Goddess/HigherPower will not fail you. We "all" get shown direction in one way or another from our "higher" power, but for most of us, it falls on deaf ears - why? We don't know how to listen, we don't know how to see or understand what we are suppose to be shown or heard. Please, don't let this happen to you. If you are reading this and shaking your head yes, then you know what I am saying is true. People have a way with trying to 'rationalize' what the cosmos is saying, what we are seeing, and why at times we have deja vu. There are no 'coincidences', everything happens for a reason, we just have to decipher all of it, and because we have that insight, we are able to understand that something is trying to make us aware. We need to tune ourselves in and listen, which requires meditation and a lot of self-discipline - quiet time. Also, our hearts need to be open and able to see and feel 'outside' the box.

I sometimes sit and reflect my life. Not that I regret ALL of what I've done in my life, but just to see how I have grown or where I can improve. I am STRIVING to be a better person each day and work on my character defects with the help of others and my Sponser. We cannot grow if we are stagnant or living in the past. We cannot change or control others, I have learned. I am much more wiser these days, with eyes wide open, and a well guarded heart. My Goddess has a plan for me and I am patient and I always listen with my heart when she talks with me. I love my wife very much - I'm leaving our relationship in My Goddess's hands. With positive affirmations, parchments and daily change of myself, My Goddess will only give me what I can handle and not anymore. Time will tell what is in store for me, I must be patient and accept what comes.

Wicca is one of many interests, but I lean towards other traditions also..Native American, Celtic. There is no right or wrong path, just be true to yourself and hurt no one. I read my first "witch" book by Sybill Leek, Diary of a Witch, when I was 12 (and I still have it!). I believe that all things are possible. The potential to make, create, or change the way that certain things are to happen is a gift from the earth to you withall that positive energy directed in the right direction only if you ready within yourself to handle and take on the responsibilities which this gift creates. Trust me, it does not maintain itself, for you have to grasp this gift with your heart, your spiritual insight and your open mindness and be ready to accept what happens. People who study Wicca, do NO HARM to others, but in retribution sake, the person who becomes the victim, is the Karma!! To say it the way friend Norman explained it, you hurt me, I have no control on what happens to you, you set your own Karma against me, you put it out there to an earth that I love and respect, so therefore, I become the Karma. What goes around, comes around - but you have to be true to your self and others, that's when your close with your Goddess. She is my protector, my mother. Janet and Norman, or what I call them, my spirituality and my reality. *BIG GRIN* are very dear to my heart and gave me the understanding that I needed to be the best person I can be in the spiritual world and this world that we live in. I cannot stress enough about paying attention to what you are hearing, not in your ears, but your heart, thinking, or dreaming. Always write everything down, referring back to what was written, which is a learning process along with growth. A heart filled with love, is a well gained heart. Do we mix the mortar to build up the walls when we get hurt? Do we start a new path, or do we redirect the one that we are on, so that we may that person who will be able to see, hear and feel all? Only you know what your inner most secrets are, and what sits on your heart. We must treasure the trust of our friends and family and we must always be truthful and honest to ourselvs and others. The work is hard my friend, so get busy! *Smile* Change comes in so many different colors, paint your world. So my friends that share my path, Merry Meet and Merry Part, and may the Goddess watch over your ways.

Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt? Respect is learned, Honesty is learned - or is it? We learn lessons all our lives, We live lessons. If you fall in love with someone that fits your puzzle piece and they fit yours - you have found your soulmate. Finding your soulmate is not easy. I can't stress more that communication, honesty and trust is the true foundation of love. I am able to love unconditionally - I have, and it broke my heart - but I am able to learn from that, pick up the pieces and move on, for if I don't, I will be stuck in the past and never be able to move forward and love again. Set someone free, if they come back their heart belongs to you, if not, it never was.

  • A great place to start?
  • My Guru Norman's site
  • My Guru Norm and my reality Jan
  • A P-town sunset
  • My loyal companion and friend - I miss you
  • Bridge of Flowers
  • At the potholes in Southbridge MA
  • picture in a store in Ptown this Memorial Day
  • the altar at circle at Gallows Hill in Salem
  • The Potholes in Southbridge MA

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