Matthew Shepard Tributes and on-line resources


Some beautiful tribute sites have been established in Matthew's memory. They demonstrate the tremendous feelings of love and compassion that this tragic, senseless murder have aroused in the hearts of caring people all over the world. I could not have imagined, only a few short weeks ago, that the death of someone I never knew could have affected me so deeply.


Matthew Shepard Tribute

One of the first sites set up in response to Matthew's death, with pictures of him, and poems and contributions which people have made.

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Matthew Shepard

A beautiful tribute to Matthew.

Matthew Wayne Shepard

Another fine tribute, beautifully done, with links to other sites, articles, poems, and thoughts about Matthew.

A Moment for Matthew

A brilliant German site in both German and English. Submit your own thoughts in the form of a rose for Matthew.

San Diego Mourns Matthew Shepard

Vigil pictures.

Just A Prairie Boy

One of the best   web sites devoted to Matthew

Webpage Dedicated to Matt Shepard

Links to on-line information, news stories, and to the anti-gay hate site. Great rainbow graphics.

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Matthew Shepard Online Resources

One of the major sites dealing with this tragedy.  You can receive email updates and news stories on the progress of the trials.

Matthew Shepard case updates

A site full of newspaper and magazine articles, as well as trial information about the suspects.

The Hate Crimes Prevention Act

The Human Rights Campaign page on Hate Crimes Prevention.

Stop The Hate

Links to other sites about Matthew and to other victims of terrible crimes. Also the source of 'Stop the Hate' web graphics for you to use on your own site.

Anti-Gay Hate Speeches

Examples of the so-called 'religious' right's anti-gay speeches, which continue to dehumanise gay people, and to incite the hatred that encouraged Matthew's murder. How can they pretend that their words do not have consequences, and try to walk away from their responsibility?

Campaigning Organisations


The Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign envisions an America where lesbian and gay people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.

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stonewall is the UK's national civil rights group, working for legal equality and social justice for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. 


A Gentle Spirit

