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Statement by Matthew's Parents, Dennis and Judy Shepard, read by Rulon Stacey, CEO of Poudre Valley Hospital.




The following is an extract from the statement from Matthew's parents read by Rulon Stacey, president and CEO of Poudre Valley Health System, to members of the media waiting outside the hospital at 6 p.m. October 10. Matthew was in a critical condition, fighting for his life.

"Matthew is a very special person, and everyone can learn important lessons from his life. All of us who know Matthew see him as he is, a very kind and gentle soul. He is a strong believer in humanity and human rights. He is a trusting person who takes everybody at face value and he does not see the bad side of anyone."

"His one intolerance is when people don’t accept others as they are. He has always strongly felt that all people are the same regardless of their sexual preference, race or religion."

"We know he believes that all of us are part of the same family called Humanity, and each and everyone of us should treat all people with respect and dignity, and that each of us has the right to live a full and rewarding life. That is one lesson which we are very certain he would share with you, if he could."

"Matthew also feels strongly about family. He is a loving son, brother and grandson who has made our own lives much richer and fuller than what we would have experienced without him."

"Matthew’s life has often been a struggle in one way or another. He was born prematurely, and he struggled to survive as an infant. He is physically short in stature but we believe he is a giant when it comes to respecting the worth of others. We know that he thinks if he can make one person’s life better in this world, then he has succeeded. That is a measure of success which Matthew has always pursued."

