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You got here by clicking a link on one of my websites. I can make your little corner of the World Wide Web shine too...Get started TODAY!

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All it takes is a great plan, some top notch artwork, professional design, a few hours of our time, and in no time, you, too, can have a site to brag to your friends about. 

With 6 years hands-on experience, and a great eye for what gives a website that professional look, I can transform most any site into an amazing stop off on the Information Superhighway.

With rates that begin at $450 (basic 3 page site with unlimited links)--most sites run $900 for creation fee, and maintenance fees starting at $65 per quarter year, I can create a great design for most budgets. Sure, you can buy the software, a digital camera, and spend hours on this project all by yourself. But, the difference between "HO Hum" and "OH WOW" can be hiring the right designer. I could be the one you need--call or email today and set up a meeting to get on the road to a nicer looking site.

Some of the sites I have designed:

Maggy Costandy Interiors, Inc.

Roy's Page

This page ©2009 Randy Cahoon

all original photographs, artwork and design are copyright protected; unauthorized use is prohibited by law