A Radical Fairy's Seedbed: The Collected Series

edited by Bradley Rose

Between 1986 and 1990, Bradley Rose published five chapbooks devoted to topics in art, history, spirituality, and consciousness from a Radical Fairy point of view, which he called his Radical Fairy�s Seedbeds. Two were written by himself and the others by Harry Hay, John Burnside, and Will Roscoe. Brad edited, designed, and published the books himself, paying the cost out of his pocket. They have been long out of print and sought after by many.
As a testimony to Brad, who died of AIDS in 1996, his friends have published a limited edition reprint of the complete series of chapbooks, along with a sixth and final seedbed edited from Bradley�s journals by Will Roscoe. All proceeds from the sale of the book benefit Nomenus, a nonprofit religious group that Bradley helped start, which operates a retreat center for Radical Fairies and their friends in Oregon.

(To see Bradley's brochure on the radical faeries, visit the radical faerie website.)


Of Intermediate Concern by Bradley Rose

Winckelmann: The Gay Pattern by Bradley Rose

Politics and Visions: The Story of Gay Liberation by Will Roscoe

A Blessing from Wovoka by Harry Hay and Will Roscoe

�Who Are the Gay People?� And Other Essays by John Burnside

In Memory of Bradley Rose edited by Will Roscoe

To order send $15 to Nomenus, POB 170358, San Francisco, CA 94117

Apollo Belvedere

The Belvedere Apollo, Winckelmann's ideal of beauty