The Hollywood Reporter

Bullock Jailed!
The trial that gripped the world for the last two weeks, ended  yesterday with the sentencing of Hollywood actress Sandra Bullock to eighteen months in the Alaskan State penitentiary.  
This sensational story began on 15 March with what should have been a routine visit by the IRS, assisted by two police officers.  As luck would have it (bad luck for Bullock), the District Attorney Dick Springer was in attendance as a routine observer.  When the officials arrived at Bullock's $30 million home, the star refused to believe that they were genuine representatives of the Tax authorities and police department, and had her security men throw them into the mansion's pool.  Even when back-up arrived, Bullock still behaved as if the whole thing were an elaborate joke.  
A dripping wet, and extremely angry Springer insisted that Miss Bullock should be restrained in high security shackles and leg irons, and Bullock's treatment of the whole episode as a joke must have done little to endear her to him.  The "Reporter" has managed to obtain a photograph of a smiling but shackled Bullock, taken by one of her domestic staff during the incident.
From day one of the trial, it rapidly became clear that Springer was out to get Bullock.  At every attempt by her attorney to introduce mitigating evidence, Springer would ruthlessly demolish his arguments fact-by-fact.  So effective was Springer's assault, that the jury took only two hours to return a guilty verdict.  Sentencing Bullock to eighteen months in the Alaskan State penitentiary Judge Wilber Caper gave the following address:  "Miss Bullock, as a widely known member of the public, you have a duty to behave responsibly and set  an example.  You have not only failed to do this, but you have attempted to make a laughing stock of the District Attorney and police department.  This cannot be condoned.  I am sentencing you to eighteen months imprisonment on the tax charges, assault charges and contempt charges - the sentences to run concurrently.  You will serve your sentence as a category 1A prisoner in the Alaskan State Penitentiary."  
The Alaskan Penitentiary, known locally as the "Gulag", is surrounded by freezing waters making escape a virtual impossibility.  However, as a category 1A prisoner, Bullock must wear upper body restraints whenever she is not locked in her cell.  This measure is intended more as an example than a security precaution.  The "Reporter" was assisted in bringing this photograph to you to make the point.
See also :   Sandra Bullock escapes
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